Chapter 8

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Coming away with new options in hand, you find yourself puzzled on which to pick. On the corner of the street, as the stalls start to clear, you notice a nice little cafe with seats outside, out of the sun.

You pull up a chair at a recently vacated table and scan over the menu briefly.

You catch a glimpse of the waiter walking your way, a tall orc with green-tinted scales and an apron on. He marches over with an emotionless expression, fills your glass with water and asks for your order unenthusiastically.

You point to a salad on the menu and he scribbles down on his notepad and walks away without a word.

As you sit and stare at the setting sun you think more about the important choice you're faced with.

If you go to Asmodeus you can study blacksmithing, make weapons and armour, gain muscle and definitely be looked after.

If you choose Nova it could lead to a job with the king, bringing criminals to justice. She was mysterious in what it would entail but interesting none the less.

"Hey, stranger!"

Hearing a familiar voice come from beside you, you look over and see Charlie, wearing a wizards hat. She's holding some books in her arms and smiles at you sweetly. She's wearing a pink crop top and you notice a long jagged scar snaked down the right side of her stomach. It was an unusual looking scar, an odd mixture of bright white and light pink. The skin around the scar was also faintly discoloured, suggesting that it did not heal properly.

"Just grabbing a little lunch?"

You nod, staring up at her.

"Ah cool! Glad you're trying some local attractions, this cafe is so good! But anyway, I best be on my way. Are you coming to my shop anytime soon? I could really use an assistant, maybe you could learn a thing or two!"

She smiles sweetly at you while you think about the offers you've received. Telling her you'll let her know doesn't seem to upset her.

"Coolio! See you later then!"

She skips off once again into the crowd of people and out of sight which makes you think even more about your choice.

Practising magic with Charlie could be enlightening, opening up new doors for your whole life.

But I still need to enjoy whatever you do decide on.
You think you're going to pick-

"Here's your salad"

The bowl is sort of just tossed in front of you nonchalantly, completely wiping your mind of your final decision. As you dig into the salad with your fork you remember your final choice.

Oh yes! You were going to study under-

Who shall you take a job with?

Asmodeus- please turn to chapter 9

Nova- please turn to chapter 10

Charlie- please turn to chapter 11

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2019 ⏰

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