Chapter 1

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You step into the village spread out before you, Venador. The smell of flowers and fresh-baked pastries fills your nostrils instantly; you close your eyes and inhale deeply. The village is busy, full of market stalls and people milling around.

In front of you is the main street for tourists and shopping. Carts and buildings try and lure people in, so you must be careful of that. You start walking down the cobblestone road, slowly making your way through the herd, in between the shoppers, weaving through the crowd. The buildings, black and white with straw roofs, some as homes, some as businesses. The city is surrounded by dense forest with an eerie aesthetic.

Something grabs your arm

Out of one of the buildings with no decorations and one you were convinced was a home, emerges a skinny man in a leather trench coat holding a closed wooden box. His saggy skin and the bags under his eyes almost matched the colour of his withered grey hair. He gulps and begins to speak in his gravelly voice.

"Excuse me? Would you, Uhm,"

He trips over his words avoiding eye contact as much as he can, firmly holding the box with his other hand

"I- Would you like to buy an enchanted tulip?"

Sounding unsure in his own question, you try and pull away but he tightens his grip on your forearm.

"Please, you just sniff it and you get like this relaxing feeling? And... and you can concentrate it-"

He babbles on about how it can make you feel relaxed, it seems like he's overselling it a bit. Many questions jump to the front of your mind, why doesn't he have a stall? Why is it just the one box? Why does he seem so desperate? You fade back into reality just as he finishes.

"So... would you to buy one? Only 12 silver"

You stare at the box that he's holding tighter now and at his distressed expression.
Should you buy one?
Yes- turn to chapter 4
No- turn to chapter 2

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