Chapter 6

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You push the old door of the library with a creak, breaking the deafening silence that filled the room. The room is large and each step you take echos louder than speech. Dust piled everywhere, spider webs strungloosely around certain books, stained shelves, and stands. You wander aimlessly among chipped lumbering bookshelves, find a book you enjoy the look of and take a seat.

You think that if you just have a little read and see if you like it, you'll take it with you.

You sit down in an uncomfortable misshapen red stool and place your book on the table next to a girl. She has dark skin, short black fringe and piercings covering her ears and face which complimented her jagged, grotesque cheekbones. Her Skeletal shoulders we're draped in red cloth but apart from that, you couldn't tell what she was wearing. She flicks her gaze over to you before returning to her book. Was it a judgemental look?

Turning the front cover you see the pages are worn down quite a lot but it's still intelligible. the pages a light brown and torn in places. Writer's notes? Who adds notes to the start of a story instead of just getting into it? 

The girl next to you exhales quietly and turns to face you.

You're reluctant at first but you turn to face her, hoping you didn't say that out loud? Did you? Is she a mind reader?

"You know,"  her voice was unexpected. It was low, with an agreeable trace of huskiness and with a hint of more power than the frail body would suggest "if you're going to walk down the streets of Venador, you might not want to make your money so visible."

She throws your wallet onto the table but you didn't even feel her take it! How did she-

"I'm not keeping it cause' you're reading a Hannah Blackwell book"

You figured this was a bad time to tell her you picked it out for the cover so you just smile, thank her and slide the wallet deep into your pocket.

She turns her body back to her book before speaking again, not looking up

"You know, you should probably read that writer's note you just so happily skipped over, it's quite important for the book, that is if you can read."

You turn back a page but decide to close the book for now. You ask her what she's reading and she looks up, raising her eyebrows.

"It's called Dragon's End. It's about a hunter/assassin of which I admire. If I just introduce myself can I get back to my book?"

It sounded rude to you however it might be that she came across wrong. You agree to her terms and put your hand out for a handshake.

"Oh, I don't do handshakes. The names Novaria, but Nova will do. I'm a hunter for hire and part of the king's guard"

She sees your confused look.

"So know of someone plotting to kill the king or want to fight me, can I get to my book?"

She spoke so quickly, you think you understood all of it but you can't be sure.
She looks you up and down thoroughly, analysing almost. You feel an uncomfortableness as she stares at you so uninterrupted.

"If I'm honest, you look like you've got a pretty good muscle to fat ratio, your bones look dense and your posture is almost perfect" she reaches out and rolls your shoulder back so you're sitting perfectly upright. 

"Now I don't do this usually, but I could take you under my wing. I need someone like you for some... personal matters and I'd assume you'll be needing a job and a place to stay as you're new in town"

She pounders to herself for a second. It was almost a compliment and you can see she disliked how your features were natural. 

"Alright, I'll cut you a deal. Just let me know today. I'll be here but then I'm going tonight. A place to stay, can't promise anymore than a couch but I'll see what I can do, Decent salary and I'll be providing meals. Can't give you the detials until I know you're on board."

You tell her you'll think about it and walk out of the library to think about the offer. You would consider her a friend but she might hit you if you called her your friend.

Where to now?

If you haven't already, please go to the:

Blacksmith- Please turn to chapter 7

If you have already been to the blacksmith:

Please turn to chapter 8

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