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The trees blur by as the train speeds on through its tracks. You should be excited that you're on your way to a magic school where you'll become a witch, something you didn't even think was possible until a couple of years ago. You're not excited. You'll miss your friends, your parents, your cousins, your muggle school. Worst of all, you can't even tell them anything because the wizarding world must be concealed from the muggle world. You are completely alone.

The sound of wheels rolling by grabs your attention. You're too late to catch the cart filled with magical snacks and sweets calling your name. You watch as it moves on down the aisle to the next person. You debate whether or not you want to get up and get the candy. Eventually, you sigh before getting up and walking to the people who stopped the cart. Two boys your age sat, candy filling up their palms, laps, and cheeks.

"Hi, I'm Y/n. I'm a first year, mind if I sit with you?" You ask politely, eager to maybe make new friends, so your experience isn't so mellow.

"Sure." The dark-haired boy responds after he looks at the red head who just shrugs his shoulders.

"We're first years too. I'm Ron Weasley, He's Harry Potter." The red-haired boy introduced.

The boy with the glasses stared at you, expecting you to comment something, but you didn't. Which actually was a relief to him. He was tired of people treating him like some sort of exotic animal just because of who he is.

"I'm Y/n L/n. I'm a muggle born, I'm new to this world, so forgive me if I mess up anything." You smile, holding out your hand to shake. You may not know a lot about magic, but your parents did teach you manners.

The boys go on about chocolate frogs and candy flavors, offering some to you, which you happily accept. The magical chocolate melts in your mouth, and gummy worms wiggle in your throat. You were a little perplexed but enjoyed the flavors anyway. Your eyes focus on Ron, who talks about the rodent on his lap.

"What's that?" You ask him, pointing at the brown-haired animal that had its head shoved in a box of candy.

"This is Scabbers, pathetic, isn't he? My brother, Fred, gave me a spell to turn him yellow. Wanna see?" Ron responded to you. You and Harry immediately nod. You haven't ever witnessed any spells preformed before, so you were excited. Just as he cleared his throat, he was interrupted by a girl frantically looking around.

"Has anyone seen a Toad? A boy named Neville lost one." She asks. You all shake your head no.

The girl realizes Ron is about to do a spell and urges him to continue. Ultimately, he fails, and she makes a comment on his abilities to do magic, which earns a small smile from you. She goes and sits down next to you and performs a spell that fixes Harry's glasses. You look at awe and compliment her.

He takes off his glasses, examining them with the same shocked expression you all had. She gasps as a scar is revealed on his forehead, and she repeats his name in amazement.

"I'm Hermione Granger, and you two are...?" She waits for a response.

"Ron Weasley." He says with chocolate stuffed in his cheeks, muffling his words.

"I'm Y/n L/n. Pleasure to meet you." You reply. Your eyes linger onto the bracelet, adorning her wrist, and immediately recognize it as merchandise from a popular book series in the muggle world. Your eyes light up, and you comment on it. A big smile plasters her face as you two gush about the books. Your mind is at ease, feeling similar to when you and your old friends back home talked just like this.

"Oh, I didn't realize the time! I expect we'll be arriving soon, so I'm going to go put on my robe. You guys should, too!" She informed before scurrying away to her cabin. You also get up and make your way back to your old spot and pull out your robe.

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