Open Arms

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Warnings: Language, suggestive material, killer amount of fluff 

I had been up for awhile. Almost 20 minutes. I never got up though. I just sat in bed and watched the man I love sleep. He looked so angelic and peaceful. He looked as beautiful as ever in the morning. His snores always seem to put a smile on my face. While his hair stuck up a bit from bed head. I ached to be close to him. To feel him and to let him know I was there. I couldn't help myself when I leaned in to place a soft kiss on his broad exposed chest. It barely woke him, but I could tell something had awoken in him. 

A rough grunt escaped from deep in his throat. He twisted in the bed arms instinctively reaching out to hold me closer to him. A small giggle fell when he pulled my body. He didn't open his eyes, but I could tel he was a little woke. I brought my hand up to stroke his cheek. It was rough with his beard. "Mmh." Chris started to slowly wake up. "Y/n..." His morning voice was so raspy. A loud groan escaped when he stretched his legs and arms out. "Babe it's way too early." He buried his head into the pillow a bit.

I giggled and pressed kisses on his cheek. "We need to get up Chris, we have some shopping to do, then we have to go to your moms house." I reminded him. "Plus if I didn't wake you then one of the kids would have, and they'll be louder than me." I traced his jawline. His long eyelashes fluttered. 

"You look so pretty." Chris mumbled. Sleep was still laced through his voice. His hands trailing down to lift my leg over his waist. He stroked the bare part of my thigh since I was wearing shorts. Chris bent his head down to kiss me. Neither of us really cared about morning breath at this point in life. Chris instantly deepened the kiss once I kissed back. I let out a tiny squeal when he slapped my ass playfully. Chris grinned and pulled my head closer so he could kiss me better. 

Lightly pushing on his chest I was trying to get him off. "Baby we gotta get up." It was no use as he let go of my lips only to attach to my neck. "Oh my- Chris we have to go." I let out a laugh. 

"Never!" His voice vibrating my neck. 

I heard the little patter of footsteps against the wood. "I don't think you really have a choice now." I sat up in the king sized bed. "You wearing pants?" I checked underneath the covers. 

"Of course I'm wearing pants." He pinched my thigh. "You always ask that!" He sat up on his arm. 

I laughed and pinched him back. "You never wear pants to bed! That's why!" 

The door creaked open and a little curly brown haired bun popped in. "Mornin!" Victoria beamed. The 6 year old had grown a bit, mostly her hair growing a substantial amount. She jumped onto the bed and crawled in my lap.

"Morning sweetheart, did you sleep good?" I rested my head on top of hers. She played with a string on her paw Mickey Mouse pajamas. She nodded. All her attention was on this one string. "What was your brother and sister doing?" I asked already knowing she peaked into their rooms. I reached over to grab the baby monitor with the camera attached to it. Our newborn was sleeping soundlessly in her crib. 

As if on cue Adrian starts to cry. "I got him." Chris gives Victoria a kiss on the head before leaving to go get Adrian. 

"Momma what are we doing today?" Vic asked. She had finally ripped the string from her shirt since it was bothering her so much. 

"Well we need to go shopping for your back to school clothes if that's alright with you. Then we're going to go see grandma afterwards." I rocked slightly. I let her play with my hands until Chris came back into the room carrying Adrian. "Hi bubba!" Chris let him down on the bed. He had a fresh diaper on. He crawled over to me. He immediately slapped his sisters leg causing her to howl dramatically. "Vic it's okay." I laughed. "Adrian don't hit your sister, you hear me mister." I was so busy trying to keep Victoria away from hitting Adrian, that I didn't even realize that Chris had left the room. 

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