==> Reader: Find The Stables

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==> Reader: Find The Stables

 It wasn't like you had to search high and low to find the stables. After all, you knew this place inside and out by now. It was all just a matter of actually taking the time to trudge out to the darned building. And that didn't sound like the most pleasant of times. Walk all the way across the pasture to get to the stables and chance that Rufioh actually needed your help? Or take the easier route and just turn around to find something better to occupy your time with?

Standing at the open door that led to the pasture from the castle, you took a deep breath of the night air. It was lovely, and a soft breeze caressed your skin. You figured the walk would do you some good to get out of this stuffy old place. Any sense of doubt about the decision was assured by a chill that ran up your spine, wrapping itself around every nerve and bone within your torso. A gasp left your throat as you snapped your gaze over your shoulder.

An empty room is what awaited your troubled expression, even as your eyes darted about in search of that interestingly disturbed chill that always seemed to follow you around. Swallowing, you wet your lips with your tongue before you felt the gentle breeze of the outside flutter against your neck and call for you to come out.

A gentle smile graced your lips, lashes lightly flitting as you blinked and turned. This time, the gentle breeze came to greet your lovely face, whirling around every curve and crevice, cool and calming to feel. Your eyes widened.

There, just before you, was not the meadow of grass that had just been awaiting your footsteps. No, there before you was a face. A face with deep hollows around the eyes, a face with high and sharp cheekbones, a face with arched eyebrows that appeared as sharp bows without the string and arrow. This face also held thin lips that were pulled down firmly in an unamused frown, a face that was adorned by two, long imperfections that interrupted what would be smooth skin. One single imperfection was dragged down from the forhead to the cheek, scarring an eye into a milky white color,  half blind from the damage. The other imperfection riddled from one cheek, over the bridge of the nose, and across the other imperfection before sharply turning downward and ending just before the jaw. The eye without damage peered long and hard into your own eyes, this one rolling with a deep violet color that was speckled with black flakes.

This face.... This was....

Your thoughts went unfinished, a cold and calloused hand swooping under your chin and gripping tightly to your jaw. Once more, that familiar chill gripped your bones. But it wasn't just your torso or your spine this time. No, this time it was your entire being. You could feel this unpleasant feeling spreading through every nerve, every cell, every fiber of your very existence. And it was all caused.... by him.

From either side of this creature's head sprouted two violet tinted fins that splayed out, torn and rugged from age and battle. His hair was styled back, the depth of its ebony color interrupted by a single streak of violet. The hair flicked outward and into small curls in the back, as if tossled by sea water. He donned a black button up that drooped low around his arms and didn't do him too much justice, his pants black as well, though stripped with tiny white lines. The pants disappeared into old, worn black boots that (unsurprisingly) held a decent sized heel. His appearance was entirely tipped off by his cold grey skin and sharp yellow claws.

You could feel the icy sting of his rings against your skin as he turned your head to either side, as if examining a specimen from the black market.

"Putrid, vile little scum," his voice growled low, gravelly and unforgiving, "Where have ya been?"

You fell pale under his brutal words and gaze, willing yourself to move away but not being able to. You were frozen, your feet fixed in place with nowhere to go. "I... I've been c-cleaning the castle, M-Master," you fumbled out like a fool. What else was he expecting?

This, however, seemed as if it didn't deem to be enough for the well-aged troll.

"Ye've been here long enough to know by now that ya come when I call," he spoke softly, a dangerous edge to his accented words.

"I-I...." Your words kept stumbling and your brain was running a million miles a minute, trying to keep up and not fumble behind in the conversation so as to keep yourself from getting into trouble. However, this proved in your misfortune as you couldn't find the words to reply in time.

"Insignificant fuckin' lowlife," the Master sneered at your lack of response. You looked up, eyebrows knitting together just as you realized his free hand was raised above his head. You flinched.

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