Chapter 11

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'Your name please, sir?' said a young lady who greeted Harry and Louis warmly at the hotel's reception area.

'Styles' said Harry, watching in anticipation as she clicked around and checked her computer screen.

They had finally arrived in London Piccadilly, with Ed going off to meet his mates in another part of town. Louis had spent the last two hours dragging Harry around the streets of London in the freezing cold, taking photos of pretty much anything in sight, including gas lamps and Christmas lights which where hung across the city as far as the eye could see. He had already changed his lock screen to a picture of them both standing beside a typical red London phone box, their very first photo taken together as a proper couple.

Harry wanted to convince Louis that they had plenty of time to do this, but in the end, stayed in silence once he had seen how happy Louis was, and would have frozen to death for him to get all the bloody photos he wanted. He was also still trying to get over the embarrassment of getting his foot stuck between the train and the platform edge, resulting in his head being slammed inbetween the train doors, something that both Louis and Ed had found hilarious.

'Yes, that's a smoking suite, number 104' said the lady finally, before reaching under her desk and pulling out a key. 'Third floor, down the corridor to your left. I see you have requested room service, breakfast will be served between 8.30 and 10.00'

'That's great' said Harry as he went to pick up their bags, only to find that the porter already had them ready in his hands.

'Oh it's OK' said Harry, we'll take them.'

'Enjoy your stay.' said the lady with a friendly smile. Harry thanked her, before leaving a small tip to the tired looking porter anyway.

Louis looked around in awe as they made their way to the elevator. The reception area was dominated by a huge, beautifully decorated Christmas tree which took centre stage, accompanied by a large open wood fire and plush sofas placed elegantly on the marble floor in front of it.

Louis stepped into the elevator, followed by Harry.

'Mind the gap babe.' he snickered, to which Harry responded with a finger jab to his ribs. Harry had found that Louis liked to wind him up, and he was OK with that, he loved his banter and his warped sense of humor.

The doors opened onto a long corridor which they made their way down until they reached room 104.

'You do the honors.' said Harry as he dangled the key playfully in front of Louis.

Louis fumbled around and opened the door, greeted by a large, stunning and stylish looking suite. His attention was automatically drawn to a beautiful feature wall made out of bricks and stone, which stood out against the dark wooden ceiling beams, adding plenty of character to it's classic and old rustic style. The cosy lounge area boasted a comfy looking suede couch, sat in front of a large plasma TV and a coffee table presented neatly with magazines and newspapers.

'What do you think?' chirped Harry as he practically skipped inside, throwing himself on top of the plush king size bed that was elegantly dressed with pearly white linen. On top laid two bathrobes and a selection of complementary, luxury toiletries.

'You've not done to badly, Styles.' he said as he walked over to the window and looked outside onto the jagged skyline. The hustle and bustle of the Christmas rush saw crowds of people hoarding shopping bags and Christmas gifts, whilst little children ran along excitedly beside their parents. It was in that moment that Louis almost saw his whole future unfold right there front of him.

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⏰ Última actualización: Aug 19, 2019 ⏰

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