Chapter Five

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'Jesus Christ!' Harry spluttered as he woke suddenly, shocked to find himself dripping with freezing cold water, Ed standing over him, roaring with laughter. Harry looked down as he noticed his cock was rock hard, his tight fitted pants bulging as it throbbed. He began to turn a dark shade of violet as he fumbled to find his cover, pulling it over himself in order to retain what was left of his dignity.

'Who's Loueh?' Ed smirked as he raised his eyebrows, a smug look written all over his face.

'What do you mean?' questioned Harry, blushing even heavier. Oh no.

'uhhh Loueh, yes baby, uhhhh harder, harder.'

Harry cringed, screwing his face up at Ed's rather good impression of his northern accent. 'I was talking again wasn't I?' he groaned, burying his head in his hands.

'Yup' said Ed, ruffling his fiery red hair as he grabbed his guitar and flung himself back onto his bed.

'So come on then, who's Loueh?' he repeated, this time musically exaggerating his name with a fine strum of his guitar chords.

Harry couldn't help but breakout into a wide, stupid grin. He was never any good at keeping secrets, not that it was one anyway. 'I met him when we were out the other night' he said, 'not that you'd remember.'

He rubbed his eyes as he sat upright, wiping away a bit of left over dribble that was stuck to his face. 'What time is it? he asked Ed, trying to change the subject.

'Time you got dressed mate' he responded, 'we're skint.'


Harry knew that it was an important day, not for any reason other than making enough money to be able to eat that evening. Money had never been of importance to him, only a downright necessity. If he could have it his way, the world would just pay out of kindness and love, and he disliked how society ranked people by wealth as opposed to what really mattered, equality.

Harry and Ed lived a fair distance from the town centre, meaning their only way of getting there without a 30 minute walk everyday hoarding amps and microphones, was by catching the number 17 bus that took them straight to their new pitch. Harry stared at his phone, his eyes glittering as he grinned like a Cheshire cat. He became lost once again as his thoughts focused on Louis, who he was genuinely, very smitten with.

Have a good day today..go get 'em, see you when I'm back x
Can't wait, I'll call you later Hx

Harry closed his phone as he turned to face Ed, still grinning from ear to ear although slightly disappointed that Louis was at his parents until Tuesday.

'Look at the state of you' he said to Harry, who just sat there looking drunk as the bus swerved from side to side. 'You look all... gooey.'

Harry snorted as he punched Ed's shoulder playfully, bowing his head as he attempted to regain his composure.

'So did you.. y'know?' said Ed curiously, he was so bloody nosy to say the least, but Harry didn't mind.

He stared at him blankly, knowing exactly what Ed was trying to get at. They had been friends for long enough that Harry felt comfortable sharing pretty much anything with him, including the fact that he was actually a virgin. Sure, he had done other stuff, but he was waiting patiently for the right person to come along take his precious innocence, properly.

'We kissed, nothing else' he replied honestly.

'But he could be the one?' continued Ed inquisitively 'I've never seen you like this mate.'

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