Many years later

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I wake up to the sound of Callula chuffing next to my bed urging me to wake up. I lift up my head from the pillow, strands of hair in front of my face. Struggling to sit up and wiping the hair away, I tell her "I'm up Callula. Here I'm sure you want to go run." Swishing my hand sleepily, the doors to my chambers open big enough for her to barge through. The doors close and I think I can sleep a little longer when the door opens and my ladies maids Inga and Helga walk in. "Goodmorning your highness." I groaned inwardly "Goodmorning." Sighing, I get up and walk out onto the balcony while they do their job. On the balcony, I have a beautiful view of the city of Asgard which shines every morning. After soaking up morning rays to warm my skin. As I'm sitting there with my eyes closed enjoying the peaceful chirp of birds. I get the sense of someone standing in the doorway. "I was beginning to wonder when you would wake." I smiled and turned "You know Loki, some people would find it disturbing that someone waits for them to wake up." "I know, but you aren't just some people. We have known each other for years." He replied walking towards me. I stand and walk to the railing. "Today is the first day of the summer solstice and the summer solstice ball and festival." I say looking out towards the city. "You think father would let me go and enjoy the festivities with our people?" Loki flicks a piece of rubble off the rail "depends on his mood, you know how father is when it comes to you." I sighed "I know but I've never went out to the city on my own and I'm almost a woman, surely he would let me go." I looked out towards the city longing to see what was out there. then I felt a hand touch mine, "Today he just might."

     I turned my gaze away from the city to look at my best friend, and gave a smile. We stood gazing at each other when I realized we were staring at each other longer than necessary. I turned away and looked away hoping he didn't see me blush "I hope so. now go so I can change." I went behind  him and began pushing him to the door. " I'll see you in the dining hall in a little bit." he stepped out the door and turned "yes your highness" then he bent and kissed the corner of my lip. He then straightened and walked away. Blushing again, I shut the door and walked to get changed. "Beg my pardon, your highness, but it seems to me that Prince Loki has quite an attraction toward you." One of my handmaidens say. I nervously laugh "Loki Is one of my closest friends and I am practically his sister." I went behind the changing screen. "though I am not technically an asgardian, I have been accepted into the royal family. And they accepted me as one of their own. I would just find it awkward to think that Loki has feelings and for that matter an attraction towards me."

     I throw on a light blue tunic with a black waist belt, with brown pants and black boots. Father and mother have always been lenient on what I wore as long as it wasn't to revealing and it still represented my status as a princess. Walking out of the changing screen, I went to my vanity and sat down to fix my hair. While twisting into a braid, I was transfixed into my thoughts. Though I would never admit It, I do have on what you call feelings for loki and not in the platonic way. It all happened on one of my birthday celebrations.... shaking my head from that memory, I finished my hair and began walking out the door so my maids could continue on with their chores. just as i shut the door i ran into something hard. "Goodmorrow Azaria , I trust you slept well." I looked up and it was Thor " Hello brother, yes I slept very well thank you." Thor my muscular, blonde haired, blue eyed, love to fight brother. Just like Loki he was protective of me but he and I do love to spar with each other when we had the chance. I am almost as good as he is (though he won't admit it). He is a pretty good teacher though and I know one day he will be a good king. "May I escort you to the dining hall? I hear father has some exciting news for us." I nodded and he gently took my hand and placed it on his forearm.  "What news does father have?" I queried. We walked through the halls for a few silent moments before he answered. "We will be expecting some guests to join us for the summer solstice and possibly some engagements will be made." "En-Engagements? As in marriage engagement?" Thor nodded. "Yes. Azaria, you are of marriage able age and the next High Queen to your realm. Shouldn't you start thinking about a King consort?" I was speechless" Well-I -" "THOR YOU BIG GALOOT, FINALLY YOU'VE MADE IT!!! Voltstagg heartedly interrupted. I breathed a silent sigh of relief. "Thank you for the walk Thor, I will see you this evening at the ball." Thor took my hand and bowed "Take care little sister and save me a dance tonight." I smiled and nodded, while he went to go sit with Sif and the warriors three. "Azaria darling why don't you come sit with us?" I turned and saw my mother and father eating at the grand table where there was plenty of room.  I walked over and did a bow. "Goodmorning father. Goodmorning mother. I hope you've slept well?" "Well enough dear. Yourself?" My mother replied. "I slept just fine." My mother gestured to a seat " have a seat and eat a little Azaria. Today will be a busy day." "Yes, and we will have important people coming from all around." My father stated. After a servant placed a plate in front of me, I faced father. "Father, I was wondering if I could leave the palace for a little while and look around since it is a big day, and all." Father and mother looked at each other for a moment. "If it makes you feel any better, I can go with her." I turned to look behind me and it was Loki." Mother smiled "what a wonderful idea. Loki can keep watch over her. And with a couple of guards to follow." I look towards mother and father. "I appreciate that, but I thought I could go on my own." Father shook his head "I know you want to go by yourself Azaria, but being princess of Asgard and heir to the alfheim throne, you have to be under special supervision." Knowing better to argue I looked down and replied "Yes father."  My mother reached over and placed her hand over mine 'don't be discouraged dear, you father loves you and doesn't want to see you get hurt' she says through telepathy. I half smile and nod. I finish my plate and excuse myself. I turn and saw loki was patiently waiting on me. "Ready?"   "Always."loki bowed to mother and father before following me leaving the feasting hall.

Saddling up our steeds, I say without looking "You knew, father wouldn't allow it, unless you or Thor went. Why am I not surprised." "You are the
Golden flower of our kingdom, the glittering jewel to the asgardian crown. If anything ever happened to you father would never forgive himself." I hop onto my horse and look at Loki then look down and whisper"sometimes I wish I wasn't looked after so closely." Loki did the same and reined in his horse and got close to me. He lifted my chin with his fingertips. "As long as you have me, you will always be looked after. I will never let anything happen to you." He cupped my cheek. I leaned into his hand and looked at him " Thank you loki" I say endearingly. He kisses my cheek. "Of course. Now let's go. I believe you wanted to see the city."  We lead our horses to the gate and watch them open. When they fully part I grin and say "Last one to to the markets buys honey nut cake!"  "Oh you're on." Loki chuckles. "Okay on the count of three one. Two. Oh my, what's that?!" Loki looks behind him and I race off. Leaving him in the dust."

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⏰ Last updated: May 03, 2022 ⏰

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