Part 8

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The few remaining men of Packard's unit (plus Woodword), stood on the banks of a huge lake, guns at the ready. They were all scared, though no one admitted anything.

Soon the huge ape burst through the trees where the explosions had come from and stepped into the lake. He stared down the soldiers for at least a minute, and then he pounded his fists against his chest, let out a giant roar, and started to come at the soldiers. When he got close enough Packard threw the torch he had been holding into the lake, and the water went up in flames around the king. The rag-tag group had poured barrels and barrels of oil into the lake an hour or so earlier.

Everyone leaned backward because of the heat, and Slipko slowly lowered his weapon as Kong started to get burned by the flames. Everyone else seemed to have done the same, and they all had varying looks of sadness on their faces. Packard however, was smiling like Christmas had come early.

Without warning Kong burst out of the fire ring, and flung the burning water towards the men. He was at least ten times angrier than he had been before and all of the men turned and ran away from the lake. Woodword got crushed by the beast's foot and screams erupted from the ones who had gotten burned.

Then, as if a switch had been flipped, Kong's eyes closed and he swayed a bit before tipping over and his huge body came crashing to the ground.

"Men!" Packard called to the remaining soldiers, "Place your charges. It's time to show Kong that man, is king."

Slowly, the men placed their explosives next to the beast's downed body and activated them. Packard held the detonator, and as he got ready to press the button that would set off the bombs a shout rang through the meadow.


Conrad ran into the clearing, Mason close behind, and he pointed his gun at Packard. The other soldiers raised their guns to point at Conrad and Mason. Slipko barely raised his to point at Mason. He knew that if he threatened her there was a very good chance Conrad would surrender, but did he have the heart to do it?

"Don't do it." He said in a calmer voice. Marlow came up behind and Pointed his handgun at Slipko while holding the Samurai sword to Mills's throat.

"I asked you fellas nice the first time," Marlow said, and Slipko changed the position of his gun to point at the older man.

Conrad continued, "We don't want a fight here Packard."

"This thing brought us down it killed my men!"

"Kong was just defending his territory."

"We. Are soldiers! We do the dirty work, so our families and our countrymen don't have to be afraid. They shouldn't even know that a thing like this exists!"

Conrad shook his head, "You've lost your mind. Now put that detonator down."

Packard walked closer to him, until Conrad's gun was a foot from his chest. Slipko was breathing heavy out of nervousness, and he was shaking with nerves and shame. Packard pressed the pre-set button on the detonator, daring Conrad to shoot him.

"You have to stop!" Mason shouted to Packard, "The world is bigger than this."

"Bitch please!" He looked over his shoulder, "Slipko! Get her out of there."

Slipko sucked in a breath and momentarily shut his eyes, he shifted to point his M16 at Mason. Marlow was staring at him, "You know it's the wrong thing to do son."

There was a moment of hesitation, and then Slipko turned.

"Put it down sir."

He was pointing his gun at Packard. The colonel had murder in his eyes and reached for his sidearm.

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