Part 5

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Carl walked past where Mills was trying to get some sleep on the ground, "Mills, quit dinking around. I'm going on perimeter."

Randa walked over to where Packard sat staring into the fire they had made. He sat across from him on a rock.

"Colonel Packard, this mission to the crash site, is folly. I understand going after your man. But the rest of it.." Packard looked up at him, "This is beyond us."

"You don't like how I'm running things?" Randa didn't answer, "You know where the door is. You set this in motion when you put this place on the map, and I will not cut and run. I know an enemy when I see it."


The next morning the group got up early, joining Marlow at the grave site of his friend.

"This man's name was Gungpai Atari. If you take away the uniforms, and the war. He became my brother. And we swore we'd never leave each other behind." He stood and pulled the samurai sword from the mound. "Let's get off this island."

The group worked as quickly as they could on the boat, and Nieves (a little trigger happy) started to try and start up the motor. A shout was heard from the engine area.

"Ow hey!" Slipko yelled, climbing out with a handmade hammer, "Not yet!"

The group started to try and start the engine, and with last minute fixes by Slipko, they got it started. Shouts of joy and laughter could be heard for the first time since getting attacked by Kong.

"Hey does anyone know where Gary went?" Slipko asked, "He wasn't there when I woke up."

"He can come now or just stay here," Marlow said, "We can't afford to waste anymore time."

The Eiwees stood on the bank watching them and Marlow stood up on the stern, saying his goodbye. Mason took a last minute photo of the standing there. She caught Marlow's shoulder in the corner of the frame.

The boat made good time, and James continued to stay up on the stern, gun strapped to his back. Mason joined him up there for a few minutes, placing her hand on his shoulder. He looked back at her and patted her hand once. They smiled at each other. Mason joined Slipko at the back of the boat and he smirked.

"What'd you two make out or something now?" Mason glanced to where James was standing, now with Nieves.

"No." She answered stubbornly.

"And Gary?" She was aware that Slipko was watching her closely, "I know he was interested in you, did Conrad beat him up?"

Mason looked to James again, "Gary got what he deserved."

She saw that James had switched with Marlow at steering and she went to stand beside him as Slipko climbed up on the roof. Marlow started talking.

"I got a wife. Had a wife? Have a wife? Guess I don't know anymore." He held up a picture of her, "I got hitched right before I deployed, got a telegram from her the day before I got shot down said 'we just had our baby boy'. I got a son out there, grown man I've never met."

"Yeah she definitely thinks you're dead man," Slipko called from the roof of the boat.

"Hey," James reached up and smacked the roof with his hand.

"I'm just saying." Marlow looked a bit more put out.

"You don't know that," James told him with a comforting tone, "You'd be surprised how long people wait."

"Eh truth is I don't expect her to be waiting," Marlow said, "I'd be fine either way. I just want one last chance to see him."

"We're gonna get you home," Mason told him.

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