Dead Pool

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Dead Pool

I found a sick stray cat, and brought it in the one and only infirmary for animals and sick people just behind the wall. Apparently, I have a weakness for cats. The infirmary was packed and busy filled with people rushing everywhere. Nurses were becoming shorthanded since people were becoming suddenly sick out of nowhere as well as the animals.

Something was going on in the air that had been turning everyone into a psychotic.

 One nurse rushed to me to take the stray she found in my arms from me as she asked urgently, "What's wrong with it?"

"I don't know. I just found it sick," I told her in a worried voice.

She took it from me, and I followed her more into the infirmary where the labs were. Almost going into a lab where there were more animals going crazy, she said, "Please wait here. You can't come in beyond this point." And she went in the lab through the swinging door leaving me alone out in the hall.

I looked around while waiting, and found another lab across from it with it's door held open with a door stopper. I walked and stood in there waiting instead of out in the hall. Who knows what'll come out of nowhere. There was already patients coughing a lungful out there, and I didn't want to be near any of that.

This lab was more for blood tests, and the people that used to work here were all lying dead except for this one chick standing right beside me who seemed to be waiting for something.

I checked on my shotgun that was strapped on my back. My heart calmed some after I've touched it, letting me know that it will protect me.

The chick and I didn't shed a word except stand there. I don't know why she was here, and why she looked so formal. Maybe she had a weakness for cats too?

Then the lights started to turn off and on like static as a bomb within the building had set off somewhere. We both cowered down, and protected our heads from any forceful impact atop of our heads that might fall on us. The rubble was crumbling down from the ceiling that mildly shook.

Suddenly, we both lead our eyes to where we heard something thud against the ground. And it was the blonde nurse that had took the stray from my arms not too long ago. She was half way through the swinging door of the other lab lying dead.

The infirmary suddenly became quiet after the bomb. And growls were now being heard not too far from us. Actually, it was coming from right across from us.

Without another second to lose, on instinct, I rushed to the door, kicked the door stopper from underneath the door, and swung it shut. I was thankful it didn't swing out, because it had an edge to keep it from doing that. But it definitely didn't have a lock. I dropped to the floor, and placed my combat boots against each side of the door to stop it from swinging inside. "Get down," I whispered to her, and she obeyed.

We waited for whatever it was to pass.

Then I look up, and find another door that I haven=t seen earlier. And it was open. "Shit," I muttered. I look at her, and command her, "Come do this to the door like this." I told her to do the same thing as I was doing.

And she did without wasting another second. She let out a pistol from her holster, and pointed it atop towards the door in case anything tried to come through and face her.

Seriously, who is this chick? A chick who was wearing a tight, baby blue button shirt with a white wife beater underneath, and black pants with a black three inch thick heel?

Intros were better left unsaid for another time.

Crouching low towards the other door, I kicked the door stopper from underneath the edge, and it not only swung out, but in as well. We were both in shit for luck. And to make things worse, there was no lock on this one either.

I placed my feet on each side of the door as I did to the other one earlier, but my leg kept making it move by swinging out. And a couple of eyes caught me.

As I struggled to keep the swinging door shut, it wouldn't. And as it kept swinging, their eyes never left me. The look in their eyes was to kill.

And feed.

They approached me. Slowly while never leaving their gazes off of me.

"Move. Fucking move!" She shouted to me out of nowhere bringing me back to reality.

And I didn't hesitate. I placed one good leg on the wall, and pushed myself to slide up towards her. I stood up on my two legs, and grabbed her arm by bringing her up.

I held her hand in mine and we ran the hell out of there as we heard the growl and shrieks just right behind us. Running straight past a corner, I hit the wide knob of the exit door, and push the door open with so much force to let us both out at the same time. Without looking back, we kept on running.

Rounding a corner filled with piles of wood that we use to stand on, and escape the dead, I tell her, "Follow me."

I started running up the piles of wood, and she ran in pursuit. As we continued running up, the gaps between certain piles of wood started to get wider. In order to survive, I had to be careful on where I stepped on. Just one step on a weak wood, and we'll both be in for it. I'll fail us both.

Finally, I was seeing people, and I can just make out my two best buds mixed in with others I didn't know. The wood started to get higher, and we had to jump a little more up. After making a leap between a low ledge, and a high one with a bit of a wide gap, I turned towards her, and say, "Gimme your hand."

 She placed her hand in mine, and I pulled her up with every muscle in my body. We continued running, and now I can see everyone clearly, especially Jared and Tyler. I kept my eyes on Jared.

The dead couldn't past that ledge. No way they can. So for now we were safe. As we continued running to the others though, we had deadlies underneath us, reaching for us, wanting us. Too bad they couldn't reach.

The wood underneath our feet became firmer, and now I wasn't so worried about any breaking from our heavy weight.

Reaching the guys while trying to regain my breath, I tell them, "Miss me?" with a smile on my lips.

Jared, a well built, lean and tall, bald guy with blue eyes like the color of an ocean with beautiful shaped eyes and high cheekbones, said, "Of course!"

"Thank heavens nothing happened to you," Tyler, who is a short guy with a buzz haircut, and with a well built body but not as good looking and thick as Jareds', exclaimed.

The infirmary was just outside the built walls of downtown. Downtown was sealed shut from people like us, and zombies. It was more like taken away from us. 

"Did I miss anything?" I asked them both while staring at the dome downtown which was a couple of miles away from us just beyond the wall we stood before.

"Party is just getting started baby!" Jared said while he smiled at me.

I smiled back. I definitely like Jared. I like everything about him, but I didn't let him know that. Not right now at least. I needed his head to stay in the game, and not confessing my emotions to him is better off till after we're done with this mission. I know he will survive this with me for a long time. 

"So what's your name?" I asked the new chick of who's ass I've saved already as she saved mines.

"Melissa Cart."

"Well, it's nice to have you on board Melissa. Name is TJ. Pleased to meet you," I told her handing her my hand for a handshake.

She took it reluctantly, and said, "Same."

"Were you alone back there?" I asked her.

"Yep," she answered while checking her pistol for being full. "I was sent on a mission for CIA. Turns out it was a fake emergency as I was sent to take in those people that you saw were dead...I think," she pulled the caliber back, and completed, "I've been disqualified to those bastards, and now I want my vengeance."

"Welcome to the club," I told her.

We all stared ahead at the dome ahead of us. We were all kicked out from that place, and in order for us to get in, we needed to take things in our hands in restoring order. Our order. And that was the point why all of us have gathered here.

Crossing this wall, this barrier was just the beginning.

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