Getting into a cab

Start from the beginning

"Okay Harry, I'll have lunch with you. But it is not a date."

Two Days Ago

"No No No No!" I yelped as I looked at the front page of People magazine. The heading just made me sick to the stomach.


I flipped to the sixth page, the story spread over two pages. Pictures were spread all over the page, captions connecting off a few of them.  One that came off the a picture of Harry and I getting into the cab stated ME-OW! Seems Harry has caught himself a Jewel! Another one was a picture of Harry and I in the window of the Cafe, laughter on both our faces, Lillian? Is Harry more funny then Blake? Seems so!

I scowled, slamming the magazine down on the table. If Blake saw this...I don't know what would happen.

"Oh God!" I squeaked and grabbed my purse. I had to talk to Blake, he needed to know the truth!

It took thirty minutes to get to City Hall, and an extra ten to get into  Blake office. He was leaning back into his chair, his eyes closed, hands behind his head, and a huge smile on his face. Why was he sleeping?

"Blake! Wake up," I said, sitting myself down into the chair in front of his desk.

His eyes slammed open, and he almost seemed to scream, "Honey! I didn't hear you come in! What is it? How come you didn't call?" He seemed anxious, and pretty fidgety.

"I needed to talk to you, about something you may see in the paper," I said, digging the magazine out of my purse, and slid it onto his desk, in front of him. Shakily he picked up the paper, "What's this?" He asked as held up the magazine.

Looking down I explained to him what happened, starting from the very beginning when I first met the boys. Except...I left out the part about Niall..


Hesitantly I knocked on the room 213's door, my eyes shifting from one end of the hall to the other. When he opened the door, I shoved my way in, practically pushing Niall over as I entered.

"Woah, slow down there horsie, " Niall said as he locked the door behind him. As he turned, I noticed what he was wearing, a cut off shirt and a pair of gym shorts. He was barefoot...and I noticed he noticed me staring. Averting my eyes,  I saw the couch, and quickly sat down. 

The couch was comfy, and I let myself sink back into it. I had to sneak over here, taking my time to make sure no reporter saw me. I was sure I was safe by the time I got into the elevator. But by getting into Niall's room very fast I was just making sure.

Relaxing, Niall came over and sat by me, on the opposite end of the couch. "So, I'm glad you could make it, tonight woulda been boring if you hadn't of come. As much as I enjoy the lads, the stench of BO is just too much sometimes."

Arching my eyebrow, I just nodded along, like I knew, "Yeah, I really needed it. Every since the other day I just couldn't seem to get any relaxing time. My mother is not really talking to me, my father is trying to pay of the press to make the whole mess go down, and Blake has been working late. So, uhm, thanks for letting me come over."

"No problem, Lilly, anytime."

We sat for a few moments in silence.

Niall finally broke it, "So, there is some left over Pizza in the fridge, and we could watch a movie?"

I smiled, "That sound great."


We ended up watching some movie called The Hunger Games. It was actually pretty good.

When it ended, I decided I needed to head on home before anyone got too suspicious.

Niall got up to walk me to the door, "You know Lilly..Ive been meaning to tell you something..."

"What?" I asked, biting my lip, I really needed to go. Yet, Niall just kept walking closer and closer. I kept taking steps backwards, until I was against the door and Niall was a few inches away. He smelled musky with colonge and pizza.

"I know I said it before, but Blake really doesn't deserve deserve better. I think the better might be m-"

I cut him off, "Niall, I-," His face leaned closer, and I couldn't help but smell the tantalizing scent of this cologne. It tingled my nostrils, shook my insides. His blue eyes slid close as he leaned close

I froze.

I couldn't do this...not to Blake. Yet as he leaned closer I couldn't help but want to kiss him. Taking a really big risk, I leaned forward too.

Our lips were about to brush when a loud crashing noise came from the other side of the door.

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