"Moving past that who will be your suggenes?" Magnus questions,
"My what?" Indi asks cluelessly,
"That person who gives you away kitten." Magnus dutifully explains,
"Oh I don't know. It would have been Clary but-." Indiana pauses, she couldn't imagine Clary walking her down the isle anymore,
"I always thought my mom would walk me down the isle. And yet here we are my mom hasn't even met the people I'm mating and won't be at the wedding. Funny how things turn out isn't it." Her voice is quiet as her eyes let tears well up.


Back at the institute Indiana calls Simon, desperate to hear the voice of her best friend,
"Hey, Indi." Indiana smiles at the sound of his voice,
"What's goin' on?" He asks,
"I just, uh, needed to hear your voice." She almost whispers,
"Are you okay? You sound upset." Simon panics,
"Yeah, I'm fine. Just getting married and my mom won't be there but yeah totally fine." She paces round the room, desperately trying to hold a strong facade,
"So how's your mom? I mean, I can't believe you actually rescued her." She can hear on the smile in his voice as he says this,
"Still unconscious but, she's not with Valentine and that's all I can focus on. You glass half full and all that." She laughs gently,
"When can I see her?" Simon asks because though not related Jocelyn had always been a second mom to him,
"How about tomorrow night? She's here at the infirmary. Plus, it's my wedding, so I'd love if you'd come and be my suggenes and walk me down the isle." She had thought about it a while, her mom couldn't give her way, she didn't want Clary and but she wanted family to do it, and Simon was family. Simon was her brother.
"Really? I thought Clary would." Simon stammers,
"It's not really possible right now, as she is apparently falling in love with Jace, but Simon your not just my best friend, your my brother and I want you to walk me down." She explains,
"So, please come." She practically begs,
"I'd love to. But I might be a little bit late, you know, with the sun and all." Simon lightens the mood,
"You are the best. I'll see you tomorrow. Love you." She smiles,
"Yeah. I love you too." He replies and she ends the call smiling widely. Before climbing into bed.


"Good morning Little Red." Jace addressed the Omega with a smile as they took a seat at the, joining Magnus,
"Only good?" Indi questioned lightly,
"Great. Actually, probably one of the best." He fixed his smile growing,
"Only probably?" Indi again teased.

"While this conversation is no doubt adorable, remind me why we couldn't do this at my place? At least there we'd have cocktails." Magnus interrupted the two engaged Shadowhunters on the morning of their wedding. Clary soon joined the group and tension filled the air, suffocating the three Shadowhunters and amusing one warlock.

"It's 9:00 in the morning." Clary replied avoiding eye contact with both the blond and shorter redhead,
"Angel knows I could use a fucking drink. Regardless of the time." Indi mutters under her breath, still hurt by her sisters actions,
"It's nine o'clock somewhere." Magnus adds.

"We invited you here, Magnus, because Hodge can't leave the Institute. He's an important part of this mission." Jace supplies the warlock with an answer,
"Well, then, where is our tardy little tutor?" Magnus jests,
"Pardon the delay, Magnus. I was following up on a lead. Now, we've narrowed down our list of warlocks to these three." Hodge says walking towards the group, pulling up some pictures on screen,
"Why is Ragnor Fell up there? He's not more powerful than I am." Magnus asked somewhat petulantly.

"Of course not Mags." Indiana placates the warlock,
"Well, some would disagree. He is older than you." Hodge adds,
"Certainly not wiser." Magnus informs,
"Who is Ragnor Fell?" Clary asks quietly, afraid of the reactions her presence might prompt, due to recent truths,
"The former High Warlock of London." Jace says stoically, avoiding eye contact with the taller redhead, instead dropping a kiss of the cheek onto the shorter ginger,
"And one of my oldest friends. Very prickly, likes to keep to himself." Magnus informs, the corner of his mouth upturned in amusement at the groups tension.

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