Just Take Me Alpha(Wattpad Story)

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"What do you want?" He whispered huskily as his hands roamed my body.
"Just tell me what you want and I'll give it to you." He whispered in my ear.
I swear I felt my center moistened at the way he whispered huskily and yet so teasingly.
"I want you to take me, Alpha." I whispered breathlessly.
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Please Enjoy.
- Ariana.x
___________________________________________👸Queen in
I don't know what to say about this book... It's just plain Amazing I mean I can't say much about it. Including her book Iconic no words on that one either.
I can't remember if this one is complete or not but she is still updating Iconic before she gets to far you should read it.
I got off topic sorry
Just Take Me Alpha i don't want to say its like any other werewolf story because its not. I though it was going to be when I first started reading it but it wasn't and I fell in love with this book(Just like all of her books) . READ HER BOOKS BECAUSE THEY ARE FANTASTIC!
________________________________________👸Queen Out
Dedication to @Nerdy-Geek

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