Chapter 4

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Carlos's P.O.V

We made it to Dr. Facilier's Voodoo Arcade. We walked in and watched as Celia got the key to Hades' place. I started looking around like everyone else. I got a coin and put it into the t.v. I sat down and watched as the news anchor in Auradon came on to talk about the news over there.

"Auradon has been put under a sleeping spell. There are reports of it being Audrey, Sleeping Beauty's daughter. We are trying to figure out who is behind these lies." My eyes widened, "Uh, guys. You might want to come look at this." Everyone gathered around me and began to watch the t.v as the news anchor continued.

"We have an update. What? It's heading this way? Uh, it's headed this way!" He ran off, to find shelter I'm sure. The t.v turned off and we looked at each other. 

Jay spoke up, "We have to hurry." We all nodded and rushed out to go back to our motorcycles. When we got there, to no surprise, the pirates were on them. "Of course, rookie mistake," I said as we made our way towards them. 

Harry just laughed when he saw our faces. "Get off of my bike, Harry!" Jay yelled. Harry laughed again, taunting Jay like he always likes to do, "Catch me if you can, Jay." With that they took off. Jay, Evie and I went to go find a way to cut them off while Mal and Celia went to go get the ember.

Bella's P.O.V

When Audrey, Chad and I made it back to the cottage, Audrey decided to check back in to see what Mal and the others were up to on the Isle. "Is that what I think it is?" Audrey asked. I looked to see what she was looking at. Mal was talking to Hades, calling him 'dad' and got the ember from him. We were both shocked.

"Send me there," I said. Audrey looked up at me, "Send you to the Isle?" I rolled my eyes at her, "Yes, the Isle. They have their hands on the ember, meaning they're probably going to use it to put a stop to whatever it is we do with that scepter." She nodded. She pointed the scepter at me, concentrating on thinking about what she wanted it to do. Soon a blue swirl of magic found its way around me and I wasn't in the cottage anymore. 

I looked around after I came back to reality and saw I was right outside the barrier of the Isle. When I turned around, my focus was on Mal holding the ember. I reached my hand out towards her, "Give me the ember, Mal." Mal and everyone looked at me with shock on their faces. "Bella?" I looked over at Jay then turned my attention back to Mal. She looked me up and down, confused, "What happened to you?" I rolled my eyes at her.

"Like you don't know," I replied. Mal looked at me more confused, "I don't, Bella." I walked over towards her, "You're going to pay for what you did to him and to everyone here. Now give me the ember." I reached out to snatch it but she pulled away. "What are you talking about? What did I do and to who? What is going on Bella?" 

Before I could answer, I heard that familiar Scottish accent behind me, "Bella?" I froze when I heard it, my hand dropping to my side. I turned around to look into those familiar and beautiful, crystal blue eyes that I missed so much. He looked me up and down, like he normally would, but this time taking in my new look. "Beautiful," he muttered. I looked at him with sad eyes, then walked over and hugged him tight, which he returned. 

"I've missed you so much, love." I stuffed my face into his neck, taking a breath before answering, "I missed you too." When we pulled away I heard someone clear their throat. I looked over to see Gil, my eyes starting to water. "Hey sis," he said. I ran up to him and hugged him tight. He held me close, "I've missed you too Gil, so much." "I would hope you did," he responded. "I missed my little sister. I waited to be able to see you for a long time." I nodded and pulled away, replying, "I wish it could've been under better circumstances."

I turned back and rushed up to Mal, hand reaching towards the ember once again. This time when she pulled away, it flew out of her hand. Everyone screamed 'no' when it went over the bridge and towards the water. But all of a sudden a giant tentacle came out of the water and grabbed the ember. Everyone looked over into the water and seen none other than-

"Uma!" The boys shouted. She smiled at them. "Did you need this Mal?" she taunted. Mal yelled, "Uma please! It can't get wet! Give it back!" Uma wrapped the ember up and went under water. "No!" Mal yelled again. Uma turned back into her human form, still holding the ember. 

She walked over and hugged the two pirates. "Guys you should've seen it out there. There are these weird things I found that are called coconuts, and huge fish in the sea and so much more. They were keeping it all to themselves," Uma said, turning back to Mal's group. 

Mal rolled her eyes, "Give that back Uma. We need that to break a spell." Evie chimed in, "One that Audrey cast." I looked over at them and laughed. "I knew that's what you wanted that for." They all looked at me, "You think you can stop it? That's funny." Carlos stepped in, anger on his face, "You knew about this? And you didn't want to try and help stop it?" I looked back over at him, "Why would I want to stop it? Mal here is just getting what she deserves. Actually, you all are. You all were behind it in the first place." They still had confusion all over their faces.

"So 'Bella the Beauty' is still causing mischief even off the Isle?" Harry spoke walking over to me. I slightly blushed at his new nickname. "That's my girl," he finished saying and kissed my cheek. Uma rolled her eyes and looked at me, "So you're trying to stop Mal from fixing everything? If that's the case-" she tossed the ember towards me and I caught it, "-there you go." "Uma!" Mal and her group yelled. 

As soon as my hands were on the ember, the same swirl of blue magic surrounded me. I laughed and waved at them, "Good luck trying to figure things out now, Mal." When I came back to reality I was back in the cottage, Chad jumping when he turned around and noticed me. His hand flew up to his heart, "Geez Bella, don't do that to me." I shook my head at him and ignored him. "Where's Audrey?" I asked. 

At that moment, Audrey came in through the door. "I'm here, don't worry. Did you get it?" I held up my hand to show her the ember. "Where were you while I was gone?" I questioned. She just shrugged and walked by me, "Just wreaking some more havoc." I nodded and tossed the ember into the air. "Mal is going to have a hard time figuring out how to fix everything this time," I noted with a slight smirk on my face, catching the ember back into my hand.


A/N: I feel like it's been forever since I updated and I'm so sorry for that if that's the case. I got sick this weekend and just haven't been feeling up to doing anything. But I'm doing better now and felt that I should update for you guys. I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Love you guys!


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