Chapter 3

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Ben's P.O.V

I saw Bella storm away from the room. I felt so bad that she just heard that. Mal went after her, and I followed, standing behind Mal as the two girls spoke. I wanted to speak up and explain, but Bella stormed off. Soon Mal turned back, looking down. I hugged her and she hugged me back.

I kissed her forehead and spoke, "I'll go talk to her, okay? I'll explain." She only nodded and I headed off to Bella's room. 

When I arrived I knocked gently on the door. There was no answer. I knocked again, "Bella?" Again, there was no answer. "Bella. Hey, listen. I know what you heard upset you. I just want to explain why that decision was made." There was still complete silence so I decided to see if the door was unlocked, which it was. I slowly opened the door to see that she wasn't in her room. I thought for a second and decided to go see if she was with the others.

I went over to Evie's place and found the boys there. "Hey, Carlos and Jay. Has Bella been here?" They both looked up from Jane's birthday cake. "Haven't seen her," said Carlos, going back to work on the cake, trying to figure out how to fix it since a piece was missing. Jay kept looking at me, "Is something wrong?" I shook my head, "She was just upset over a conversation I was having, I just wanted to talk to her about." He nodded, "She hasn't been here. Sorry, man." I nodded, "Thanks anyways guys." 

I got back to the castle, still worried about Bella. My parents don't know where she is either. I decided I have to put that aside and get ready for Jane's party.

Bella's P.O.V

Audrey decided to take both the crown and scepter and pay a little visit to Mal. I just sat around thinking about the barrier being closed permanently. I'll never see the happiness on the children's faces when they get picked to live in Auradon again. I'll never see Gil or Harry again. My blood began to boil when I thought about them two. I stood up and threw the ball I was holding really hard, making it crash through one of the windows in the cottage we were staying in.

It just so happened that Audrey walked in at the same time the ball crashed into the window. She stopped suddenly and looked at me like I was crazy. "Are you trying to kill me?!" she exclaimed. I rolled my eyes at her. "How'd your visit go?" I changed the subject. A smile grew on her face and she walked over to where I was standing.

"I wonder if Ben is into old hags," she said. I looked at her confused, "I'm sorry, what?" It was her turn to roll her eyes at me since I didn't catch on like she wanted me to. "I turned Mal into an old hunchback." I raised my eyebrows and "Oh" is all I said. She laughed evilly. "Let's see what she's up to now that she's a hag," she added. 

Audrey held out the scepter and used it to locate Mal. When we found her, we saw she was with the others on their motorcycles, crossing the water to get to the Isle. I looked over at Audrey confused, "What are they doing?" She shrugged, "I don't know."

We continued to watch the group, seeing Audrey's spell ware off of Mal. "What happened?" she asked a bit furious. "There's no magic on the Isle. It doesn't work there," I replied calmly. She sighed, "Whatever. I'm going to go wreak havoc on the people of Auradon. Coming with?" I nodded, not wanting to get lost in my thoughts again by being alone.

We found ourselves at Jane's party where everyone just happened to be. Audrey went off about how everyone loved Mal oh so much and wanted her as queen. "Does that make you sad, that Mal's not here. Sorry about that. She's just not feeling herself." She laughed but no one was really interested in her being there. This made her angry, "I'm supposed to be your queen! What is wrong with you people?!" Then Chad decided to come up before she could do anything. 

"Audrey! Hi, um so I was thinking maybe you could use a loyal boyfriend to be by your side?" She looked at him like he was stupid. "Okay, um maybe a sidekick?" I raised my brow and Audrey looked at me then back at him. He got the hint, "Not that either, okay. What about a lackey to do your bidding or anything?" I shook my head and tried to not laugh. Audrey stayed silent. "Please?" he begged. Audrey finally spoke up, "Fine whatever. Get behind me." He happily did so.

After he did, Audrey found Jane. She smirked and began singing happy birthday to her, while also putting a spell on everyone in the land. We watched as the pink smoke made its way passed everyone, all the people falling to the ground in a slumber. We left and went back to the cottage.

Jane's P.O.V

I got under the water of the Enchanted Lake when the smoke was making its way towards me. I let it pass before getting out. As soon as I did, I dialed Ben's number. He picked up really fast.

"Hey Jane, I know that I'm running late and I'm sorry. But don't worry I'm on my way no-" "No!" I cut him off. "Don't come here and don't leave the castle, okay? Audrey has the scepter. She put a sleeping spell on everyone. I'm going to find my mom and see if she can help." I hung up, not knowing that he started asking about Mal and Bella.

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