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She was odd...
That's the best way Junko could be described. 
Y/N looked down at her computer the basic game she was working on had each character profile onscreen. After pulling an all-nighter last night she decided the best idea would be to go to bed. Y/N and Junko rarely spoke to one another. Probably because they were in different classes but they were both drawn towards each other. However Junko was more attached to Y/N's talent as the ultimate game dev. She believed that her games could subliminally "code" despair into the general population.

As morning came Y/N raced to class and ran for Chiaki. "Ok! I finally finished my shooter game and I thought you would naturally want to play test it!" Chiaki knew how much Y/N pushed herself to create wonderful and immersive games so she happily obliged. Y/N lived a childhood with very little friends, the only one remaining from middle school wasn't an ultimate and Y/N came into class the first day terrified.Knowing that you have your fellow classmates that have your back is reassuring and it gives you hope. Knowing that everything will remain perfect is amazing. Knowing that nobody, not even Togami can ruin your day is great.

Chiaki pointed out a few bugs and then they went off to class. Suddenly, someone called out for her. Turning around Y/N saw the individual recognizing them as Junko. "Y/N dear, can you come with me for a few minutes?"

Hey author Chan here sorry if the chapter was short the next update will be longer I swear.

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