The last of the Row

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People passed one after another every few minutes. The girl was at the end of the crowd, patiently waiting her turn, while her face showed tender nervousness after realizing that only she was left and which happened to worry when she saw that they were taking a little longer than they should.

She stood for a moment watching the pass that she held with her little hands until a member of staff called her number, letting her know it was time to pass. She followed him as she let out a long sigh on the way there...

— We're sorry for the delay. — That person pointed out. — You can be a little more with them as a reward.

He finished saying before opening a door and letting her pass to a small corridor that went to a conference room, indicating with his hand where she should go. At the end of the corridor, she found that group of boys that she hopes to see so much, being received with their beautiful smiles that she imitated and with bright eyes, she greets them politely.

She approached with certain shyness due to the strong presence transmitted by those gentlemen who looked at her with tenderness. Keeping a considerable distance, she thanked them for their mere existence and their good work on stage while wishing them good health for the future.

— Thanks to you, for coming to see us today. —The elder answered among them, speaking for all. — Don't be shy, come closer. —Extending his hand towards the girl, being the first to have physical contact with her. —

Therefore, it was passing, from hand to hand, greeting each of them as they shared glances full of sweet emotions and a few words. She was happy to be able to share a short moment with each of them... She liked them so much, she wanted to tell them so much, but she only let go of what her heart and nerves allowed her at the time.

She had a different feeling for each of them, but especially one, she could make her body bristle with emotion only by saying his name.

Lee Jaehwan...

The third elder in the group, in spite of being a good artist like his mates, dare to steal her heart despite the distance and difference of languages.

His talent impressed her in a thousand ways, his voice gave her peace, his personality stirred her heart, his eyes reflected the world in a wonderful shade of coffee, his lips seemed the most spongy, pink and sweet cotton candy. He had simply become one of her most beautiful sources of inspiration, which is why she was gratefully grateful, even though she even knew that feeling so much love towards an "unknown" could hurt her.

Even so, that platonic love was worth it.

He was at the end of the row with his companions, the last one to receive her preciously with a kind greeting and appearance to make the word "prince" fall short.

Between his big hands, he received hers, so small in comparison, but fitting in a pleasant way and knowing that he could hold her tightly if she lost her balance at some point.

The impression of finally having him so close could only be described with the tears that painfully came out of her shining eyes, her trembling lips when she wanted to confess her feelings and that released a sad sigh surrendered to feel the touch of their bodies join in an embrace of consolation, to which the others joined, to then dismiss her.

He wanted to spend a few more minutes with her, being the last to let go.

— Please don't cry. —He released with affection, tearing the tears from her blushing face, making her smile. — It has been a pleasure to have you with us today.

One by one they were walking, because it was time to leave, and after much effort, he finally released her hands, bowing goodbye and trying to smile despite feeling he should not leave her. He wanted to have more time, but it seemed impossible to be able to stay another little by her side.

A companion had arrived to indicate the exit to the young woman, so that after mutual glances between her and her beloved prince, they both turned around to follow each one their way, being that, their possible last goodbye.

The expression on their faces showed great sadness and discontent, almost wanting to disobey those who maintained the order of the place so that they could stay a moment more together, just a moment.

Her walk was so slow that even her companion had a great advantage, and almost leaving the place, stopped completely, clenching her fists and unable to contain a second more her feeling. She calls the name she so much wanted to shout to the four winds to get his attention.

— Jaehwan! —She said forcefully, making him turn around and look for her. —

— I'm still here... —He still remained inside the room. — I'm here!

She turned and walked a little further to meet him, several meters away, but being able to see. She recovered her courage and released what her heart dictated.

— I love you! S-so much! —She began to confess in front of him. — You are my greatest inspiration, my lullaby, my refuge under a strong storm ... —He paid attention while his expression kept pace with those words of love, began to approach.

The nerves made her drop tears again while she still gave thanks for not having fallen to the ground, he accelerated the step to reach her, who had the cloth of her skirt held in her hands while talking with all the courage she possessed.

— Thank you for bringing happiness to my life with your existence... —she finishes by saying, to then be caught in the arms of her love, who responded knowing that the words would be over at that time. —

Proving the sweetness of his lips, with a salty touch thanks to the tears of both being mixed with the soft movement of a kiss in love. Almost looking like a ballerina, she was on tiptoe while holding on to that tall man, wrapping her arms around his neck. He pulled her closer to his body, wrapping her gently around the waist, wishing that this moment were eternal.

He stopped the kiss, so he could see her face and now be able to tell her something.

— Thanks to you, for stealing my heart. —She smiled wryly at the comment as she took his face in his hands. — Now it belongs to you ... — uniting their fronts in silence, with the melody of their hearts as the background of that scene. — We will meet soon...

'' Maybe not so soon, maybe in other circumstances...

Maybe... Not in person. ''

She wakes up among a few tears that contain a reason she doesn't yet understand, but even so, she smiles. She dries her face, leans back once more and places a song on her cell phone, being lulled by the sweet voice of the one who had visited her in that dream.

'' ... I don't want to ever wake up. It's clearer when I close my eyes, I'm just focused on you ... '' '' ... I finally found the jewel that is you ... '' '' I have you now and I'll see you later ... ''

Jong Shin Yoon (with Ken VIXX) - Over Sleep

'' It's true, maybe I will don't have the opportunity to even know you. However, I can always find you again...

In songs, in videos, in my drawings...

In my dreams...

I know that you will be there waiting for me because I have always been able to find you in them, where I will not be the one at the end of a long line waiting to see you. ''

The last of the Row / Lee Jaehwan (Vixx Ken) One-Shot FanficWhere stories live. Discover now