"Yeah, we actually had everything ready two months ago. We were really anxious for you to come, we even went and got your uniform for school." I was surprised by a random voice coming from behind Kai. Another boy appeared. He had dark circles under his eyes, I hope those are natural...

"I'm sorry I forgot to tell you my name! I'm Tao and the dark circles are natural so don't worry." Can he read my mind?! Tao started to walk into the door.

(I don't see why not I can ^w^)
That's a different situation you're supposed to be able to read my mind.

"Come on, I'm tired of standing let's go inside and sit down!" I walked into a simple but big house. In the living room a couch and some chairs were arranged into a semi-circle. One wall had a big book case mainly filled with manga. I want to read one but I don't wanna look weird.

"Hey sweetie, do you wanna read those?" I turn to see a boy my height with blonde hair. He was very professional looking and had a head of the house air to him.

"I'm Suho. If you ever need anything let me know ok cutie?" Again!? That's it I'm gonna die. Another boy walked in with a completely blank face. something about his blankness made me want to laugh, but when he saw me he smiled and his dimples showed. Hey I have dimples too! I think this is gonna go smoothly. He quickly bowed 90 degrees.

"I'm Lay it's nice to meet you. Let's get along well." He stood back up and went over and shook my hand. He's a little awkward but he's very nice. I couldn't help but smile.

"Hey, you have dimples like I do! They're adorable!" Ugh, when will this end!?

(dimple couple!)

Not now Mikazena!
( Awww.....)

"I'm home~." Another boy has returned. He has a curl to his lips and a really defined jawline. It's looks sharp enough to cut someone.

"Hey look the camel is back." Chanyeol said while the others tried not to laugh.

"I'M NOT A CAMEL FOR THE LAST TIME Y-" he stopped in his tracks as he noticed I was in the room. he immediately rush towards me.

"Jessica, you're finally here~! I'm Chen!" Instantly he cupped my cheeks, squishing my face.

"You're so pretty like a doll! I think you'll be a great addition to this crazy group of people." So now I'm a doll? Chen is kinda loud Huh? But I can tell he means well.

"Alright who got Chen started up again?" This boy who walked in is the same height ask Xiumin. He looked my way and winked.

"Nice to finally meet you Miss Jessica. I didn't think you would be this captivating but you're really cute. Before I forget to tell you, my name is Luhan." The rebirth of Casanova? This guy has a way with words doesn't he?

"Hey~ you guys left without me again~ you're so mean." Another boy came in pouting because apparently Chen and Luhan left him.

"Maybe if you you weren't so busy being all over Taeyeon we wouldn't have left." The boy started blinking.

"What's wrong with showing my girl that I love her?" So he has a girlfriend, I would like to meet her. He noticed me and his face lit up.

"My daughter is finally here~! My name is BaekHyun! I'm so excited my daughter is so cute!" He started pinching my cheek. I looked to the others for an explanation but half of them just shrugged. Kris mouthed 'just go with it'.

"Thanks A-appa(Dad)?" Bad idea. saying that only made the situation worse. "You know a little Korean too!? Taeyeon is gonna love you!" I'm trapped in a BaekHyun death hug. Somebody help! Just then a pair of hands pulled me up and out of my new Appa's hands.

"Hyung, you were crushing her." This voice was a new one and whoever it was, he was tall. The boy sat me back down on the couch and then sat next to me. He's very handsome but oddly he seemed cute at the same time.

"I'm Sehun. I'm glad I finally get to meet you." He smiled at me as I immediately started blushing. Why do they all have to be so good looking?

"Ok greeting over. Now give me back my daughter." BaekHyun was trying to pry me away from Sehun.

"No way Hyung, she's too cute to let go~ she does aegyo without even trying.

" What? Aegyo? I'm not that cute am I?" I sat there confused and I guessed it show on my face because Xiumin spoke up.

"Aww look, she looks adorable like that." At that point all of them were looking at me.

"Is there something on my face?" I slowly tilted my head.

"Well any way we're glad you finally arrived." Suho stood up so everyone could hear him.

"We hope that all of us can become close." All of them nodded in agreement.

"When then it's official," I started. "This is my new home." Then ChanYeol started yelling.

"WELCOME HOME!!" Everyone was in an uproar and I couldn't help but laugh.

I guess from now on, this is home.

Hey guys!! Since I thought I would be funny I started messing with Jessica and I might even mess with the guys as well.
Jessica: Yay I'm not gonna be the only one :3
Chan Yeol: I don't wanna get brain washed! T.T
Kris: Shutup Chan Yeol she meant talking talking to in our minds.
Sehun: basically.
Hey! It's my turn to talk! >~<
Anyway I'll see you guys next chapter. Bye chingus!

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