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7 Months had passed since I found out I'm pregnant. My whole life changed. School became shitty because shitty people treated me like shit. No one suspected a thing about what happened between Taenyung and I. If they knew they probably wouldn't label me much as a slut as they do now.

Everywhere I go, I see his face. On the billboards outside, printed on the clothes of teenage girls, in every social media platform, on print medias, EVERYWHERE. I can't bear his face. Everytime I look at it, I can't help but shed a tear as my heart aches.

I was walking through the corridors, not caring about the eyes following me around. I missed my old lifestyle. It's unusual to see the hatred and the pity of the eyes of the people that surrounds me. I'm used to feeling loved by everyone, even by myself.

Thankfully, at the end of the corridor, I was met with my bestfriend. Veronica smiled at me and embraced me tightly. I never really explained to her in detail about everything that had happened because she knows that I can't and she understands. Even through up's and down's, I'm glad I still have a best friend like her. A best friend that don't judge and supports me in any way. However, she's still obsessed with BTS.

"Look at V's fancams for 5th muster!" She took out her phone and showed me a video of a performance with the camera focused mainly on Taehyung. I faked a smile and watched it with her.

"He's amazing right?!" She exclaimed, hugging her phone to her chest. I nodded and held up an 'ok' sign. Her eyes moved down to my stomach and grinned, bending down to press her ears over my belly.

"Let's make it listen to legends" She opened her phone again, played 'pied piper', and pressed it on my belly. I giggled at her childish actions and jokingly rolled my eyes,

"Oh she'll listen to BTS alright.." I chuckled as we walked to class together.

"Goodmorning mrs. Y/L/N...." My professor glanced at me from head to toe and gave a sigh. I rolled my eyes and took a seat at the very back of the class.

"I'm so happy that BTS are gonna have a 2-month break! They deserve it so much"

"I know right. They're actual angels"

I overheard 'koreaboo's' chat. I scoffed at their remarks. Them? Angels?  Kim fucking Taehyung did this to me! and you call them what? ANGELS?

"Angels? Do you even know them personally?" I raised an eyebrow at them. They turned to me with a face of disbelief and annoyance

"Uhm excuse me?" The first girl placed her hand on her chest and raised an eyebrow back at me

"You heard me. How can they be angels? For all we know they could be the births of the devil" I shrugged my shoulders

"Excuse me? I bet Taehyung's heart is bigger than yours, bitch" The second girl rolled her eyes

"I know for a fact that Kim Taehyung is the biggest dickhead you'll ever meet" I clapped back, forgetting the fact that we're in the middle of a class

"And how would you know? You're just a low class pregnant slut!" She crossed her arms and eyed me from head to toe, pulling of the most annoying face I could ever see.

"If it weren't for that idol of yours I wouldn't have been a fucking slut!" I stormed out of the room, ignoring everyone who were all gasping and laughing at me. They didn't understand. If only I could tell them the truth.


I was staring at myself in the mirror, ignoring interaction with everyone that enters the restroom.

"I can't believe this is how I turned out." I looked straight into my own eyes, disappointed at myself. I shook my head and took out my phone. I opened twitter, supposedly to release all my angst, but instead I scrolled upon a video of Taehyung lip syncing.

Dang, he's cute. I replayed the video over and over again. I started to get butterflies in my stomach as my heart flutters. Why do I feel this way? I should be mad at him!

I started crying again. Fuck hormones. I was about to bawl my eyes out when my phone started ringing

"Hello?" I answered with my voice cracking

"Y/N?" A deep, familiar voice spoke.

"Who is this?" I asked, furrowing my eyebrows in confusion. The rasp on his voice, there could only be one...

"It's Taehyung"

I immediately canceled the phone call and ran outside. Whoever that was, they're not funny. I can't be pranked, I'm pregnant! I rushed back to my car and drove home as fast as I can.

When I pushed opened the feomt door, I was surprised to see my parents sitting on the couch, alongside someone with a familiar physique.


"Mom?" I asked, moving closer to them and examining their faces well. I must be dreaming. I slapped my self multiple times to wake myself up from this nightmare, but all I got were confused faces.

"Y/N..." He stood up, walked towards me, and was about to touch my shoulder until I slapped his hand away.

"Don't. Touch. Me." I pointed at him. I ran back to my room and locked the door.

Sitting on the floor, I weeped, caressing my belly.

"Y/N.. please. Let me explain." I heard Taehyung say as he knocks on the door.

"Go away!" I cried out. It's not that I don't want him. I do want him, I need him. I just can't face him right now.

"I'm coming in" The door opened and Taehyung walked towards me. Slowly, he sat down beside me and put his arm over my shoulder. I tried to push his arm away but he resisted. I rested my head on his shoulder and cried

"Shh I'm sorry" He wiped my tears with his thumb. He bent down, moves his lips to my stomach and kissed its

"Daddy's here now" He whispered. I cried even loudly, burying my face on the crook of his neck. He wrapped his arms around me and embraced me tightly. I missed his touch.

"I'm really sorry, baby." He apologized kissing  my forehead. I smiled a little and laid my head on his shoulders. My eyelids started getting heavier and before I knew it, I drifted to sleep.


"Taehyung was the one sending us money to sustain you and your baby. We were told not to tell you, I don't know why though" Dad explained with Mom nodding along. I smiled weakly, unable to consume all these information at once. Taehyung's arms were around me as we sat on the living room with my parents.

"What's important is I'm here now. I'm sorry, Mr. and Mrs. Y/L/N, for causing trouble like this." He bowed down to them.

"And as long as you're here to stay" Mom smiled widely. A long silence followed but it was then broke my Taehyung gulping and changing the topic,

"Let's go on a date, Y/N!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2021 ⏰

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