Chapter 2: Hunted

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Fefe here, since Bliss is lazy AF so, me and my writers' block are writing this chapter! I apologize, and the deadline for cover votes is in 3 days so if you haven't yet commented which one you like best please do. Ew, deadlines and the fancy talk somebody kill me, please. I beg of you.

The picture will be helpful throughout the whole book( I apologize for the quality).


"Lily, Lily, Lily" My class kept chanting, what's going on, I thought. They kept walking closer and closer, suddenly there was a ringing in my ear paired with the calling of my name, the walls were closing in "Lily, Lily, Lily"

I could feel hands on me, shaking me as I tried understanding what was going on, but I couldn't, I racked my brain trying to figure it out, what had I done wrong? What's going on? Somebody help me!

"Lily wake up!" Valorie screamed out.

"What? What happened?" I asked, realizing it was all a dream, looking around I could see the panic in my friends' faces, they found us.

Thankfully we had planned for this, I grab my already packed bag and run out the emergency exit, only to find it locked. Our base wasn't that big, but it was large enough for us to lose them. With Ethan and Valerie in front and Max behind me, I could barely see anything as we tried to escape.

We had been at this house for close to three months now, it had just started to feel like home, but these bastards had to ruin it for us. Yes, I know it isn't their fault, they're just doing their jobs. It still hurts though, having to run and leave everything behind, at least I still have my friends, for now.

"Come on you little rats! Where are you?" A sinister voice called out, a hunter.

"Let's split up," said a familiar voice, where had I known that accent from?

"We've got to find those mutant freaks, I want my money," said a girl now, that's weird, bounty hunters are mostly unusually large, dumb men.  

"That's our opening" I heard someone say to my right, sounded like it was Ethan, the flash of ginger hair next to me confirmed my theory.

"28 Red" I heard Valerie whisper, which was code for leave through the side door. We had learned from experience to never say what you're about to do out loud unless it's code. 

"Yellow please," Max pleaded.

"We can't take any chances, green" I cut in knowing splitting up, even in pairs, was a bad idea. So, we all waited till the hunters left and tipped toed our way to the side door.

Quietly Valorie opened the door, her blue eyes shining as the sunlight entered the once dark room. Stepping out into the wild I sighted, I'd miss this bunker but, we couldn't waste any time so I started running, we all did.

We ran, and we ran. Just like we always did. It's a rarety that we aren't running, ever since the Empire put that stupid bounty on us, we couldn't stop. 1 billion dorts, which is equivalent to about $3 trillion dollars, for each of us. The last mutants, the only freaks left, no matter how perfect we are, we will always be a mistake, the last fault in a perfect society. At least, that's what the Empire manipulated everyone into believing. They made us different, too different, we stopped listening, realized what they were doing and that we were the only ones capable of stopping it. I want that to be the truth, for there to be a light under the tunnel and for us to finally get our happy ending, for us to have a real purpose and to be more than just an errat, more than just a mistake.


How deep. I'm tired, it's way too late and now I have to edit this piece of poop so there's that. My signature will be word number 666, so bye.


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