Chapter 23 - The War

Start from the beginning

After a minute of riding the horse and following the path, we are stopped...

I see Lerrich is talking to the gatekeeper of Auxem...

When the gatekeeper sees me, he immediately bow...

"N-Nicolas-sama!" The gatekeeper said

He is the same gatekeeper that I entrust with the letter I sent to King Ethen, about Navroth last year... and he did his job perfectly...

He was guarded by two other soldiers and Lerrich himself...

"Don't worry about him... I trust him..." I said to Lerrich...

Lerrich nodded and let their guard off...

And the gatekeepere looked grateful...

"What happened?" I asked to him

"W-What do you mean?" the gatekeeper asked...

"I mean, my Kasan... where is she?" I asked

I believe that my Kasan won't give up easily...

"S-She is in the mansion..." the gatekeeper said

Mansion? But why she didn't stop the soldier from surrendering...

"I've sent the 20 Knights of Sera to surround the mansion..." Lerrich said

Is it enough?

"We need to reinforce them!" Euclio said immediately...

"What do you mean? I think it is enough to stop her..." Lerrich said

"N-No... it's far from enough, you haven't seen her fight... even the fourth and tenth lose against them..." Euclio said

"Y-Yeah, she has a really eerie aura... I can't move for a while..." Rin said

That is my feeling as well, when grandpa used his scary aura...

Lerrich nodded...

But then one of the knight come...

All of us looked at him...

"Lerrich-sama... the mission is success... we have killed Nicole-sama, or Navroth..." the knight said

Now, Euclio and I looked speechless...

But not only us... Lerrich looked confused as well...

"Let's check..." Lerrich said

And all of us nodded...

Nate and Nathalia looked a bit speechless but they are trying to be strong... and so do I...

Kasan is killed?

T-That is our purpose at first... to kill Kasan but, when we accept the fact, it is actually harder than we thought at first...

Although she is Navroth, she is also the one that raised us... also our mother...

We ride our own horse and move to the direction of the mansion...

The people of Auxem is looking at us from distance, they were blocked by the soldier that are creating the path toward our mansion...

As we arrive at the mansion, there are several knights has been waiting for us...

And I see Lieve as well...

All of us get down from the horse and we were directed by Lieve toward inside the mansion by foot...

It was Euclio, Nate, Nathalia, Ed, Erin, Rin, Leon and I that went to Auxem... Ethan has gone home already with King Ethen last year, after the clearance of my name...

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