Chapter 4:

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Your POV

Click. Click. Click. I heard many clicked as if someone was messing with a pen as I woke up. I realised someone has their arms around my waist and I was laying on a chest. I got up slightly enough to know I was on Kami's chest. My face started to heat up and a pink blush crept onto my face. I still heard the clicked so I turned my head to see everyone taking pictures. I moved away from Kami and blushed more.

"Stop." I stated bluntly.

"Why? You two look cute together." Mina said looking at the pictures.

"S-Shut up." I studdered obviously embarrassed. I suddenly noticed my phone went off. I grabbed my phone and looked at it. "Oh crap in late fore work!" I said loudly and in doing so I woken up Kami. I quickly got up and ran to my bag. I searched through it till I found my uniform. I grabbed a bra and underwear and ran into the bathroom.

I put on the white blouse and tucked it into my black skirt. I then put on my black socks that goes up to my thighs and black flats. I put my hair up in h/s (hair style) and brushed my teeth quickly.

I quickly out on some mascara, red lipstick, and black eye shadow. I ran out of the bathroom and grabbed my bag shoving everything in it. "Bye guys see ya later!" I waved before I ran out the door.

I quickly rushed to work. When I got there I washed my hands and grabbed my note pad. I walked out to the front and greeted the first person who walked in.

"Hello welcome. How may I help you?" I said with a cheery attitude. The male smirked at me. As I walked him to his table. "Can I get you anything to drink?"

"Coffee please. Black." He winked at me as I wrote down his order.

"Okay I'll be right back." I said walking away. The male had black spiky hair and icy blue eyes. He wore a white shirt with a black coat and jeans.

I grabbed a small plate and set his coffee cup on. I grabbed the coffee pot and poured the plain coffee into the cup. I walked out holding the plate carefully. I walked up to the customer and set down the plate.

"Can I get you anything else?" I said with a small smile. He shakes his head slightly.

"Nope that's all. Thanks hotty." I rolled my eyes and walked away. I soon started to greet more and more people. The black haired male paid for his drink and left. The day went smoothly as many other guys hit on me but I didn't care much. Soon my shift ended. I put up my note pad and left.

I walked home most of the way. I passed many faces. One of which I recognized very well. I walked up to the male and smiled.

"Hey Kami!" I said to him. He looked up and smiled back.

"Hey f/n. How was work?" He said as we started to walk together.

"You know the usual taking orders. Getting hit on here and there." I chuckled lightly.

"What?!" I looked over at the male and laughed a little.

"Relax I didn't flirt with anyone." I said rolling my eyes playfully.

He let out a small sigh. "That good to hear."

"Well actually."

"Aw come on!" I smirked and chuckled lightly.

"I'm kidding." He let out a small nervous chuckle as we made it to my dorm room. "I got to go." I said lightly and kisses his cheek a little. "Text me." I said with a little wink. I opened the door and walked in closing it behind me. "What am I doing?" I say out loud as I sat down on the couch.

"Its obvious your in love." I heard and turned my head to my roommate Tsu.

"No in not!" I said quickly.

"Yes you are."

"Prove it."

"I just watched you kiss Kaminari on the cheek. What more proof do you need?" I shrugged. She deadpanned as sat next to me.

"Am I in love?" I asked. She nodded her head a little. "Oh..."

"Listen I know since Mineta broke up with you you have been kinda emotionless-"

"Have not."

"Yes you have. Anyways. Since you've been emotionless you lost the feeling of what it feels like to love."

"No I haven't."

"Yes. You have. Like I was saying. When you lost that feeling hatred a sadness took over control of your emotions. Now your feeling this again."

"How do I know he's not going to do the same thing Mineta did?"

"You'll just have to trust him." I nodded at her and smiled slightly.

"Thanks Tsu."

"Anytime pal. Now tomorrow we have to preform for class. Are you ready?"

"Yeah won't be the first time we've preformed." She nodded as I got a text message.

Hey babe

Once again not your

Aww but remember
yesterday in the closet
you practically said you
liked me

I said no such things

Yeah you did

Shut the fuck up pikachu


I turned off my phone and fell asleep not so long after. 'What's happening to me? I don't like this new feeling.'

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