Chapter 1:

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At work break

"So did you try the dating app?" Momo asked.



I looked down at my phone.

Hey baby

What did I tell you
About the names

Sorry your just
So pretty

I'm sure your used
To it

"Who's that?" Momo said looking over my shoulder.

"Someone I met on the app." I said setting my phone down.

"Do you like him?"

"I met him yesterday in don't know." I shrugged.

"It looks like he likes you." She smiled at me.

"Its just flirting he does it to every girl he meets." I rolled my eyes.

Kaminari's POV (in his apartment.)

I looked down at my phone waiting for a reply.

"Dude she's probably busy." Sero said.

"If she was busy she would tell me."

"Who are y'all talking about?" Kirishima walked in with Bakugou.

"Kami met some girl on a dating site and she won't text him back."

"She's not just some girl she's different from the rest."

"Well put her in our chat so we could see what's so great about her." Sero said.

"That's a good idea." I said and grabbed my phone.


"Guys in only in the friend zone. Plus we just met, who would love someone like me?" I said looking down at my phone.

"Well our shift is almost over and we also have to work on another song for class. Tell us about it later okay?" Mina said getting up from the table we sat at. I rolled my eyes and got back up.

After work

Me, Momo, Mina, Tsu, and Ochako were sitting on the couch trying to think of something for our class.

"So the project is about live songs?" I said sighing.

"Yep. How about a break up song?" Mina said.

"I guess she did say it could be any kind of love song." Momo shrugged. "F/n what's your favorite break up song?"

"Well I think my favorite is Attention." I said thinking.

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