Your First Mission

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       You got back to the tower and told the team what Strange wanted to tell you. About Blaze having magical abilities, the relics he gave you, and that he offered to have you come back whenever you had questions. You and Loki left out the part where Strange vanished Loki away, Loki was probably embarrassed someone could just vanish him, especially sense he himself was a Master Magician.


       When you went to school next you told Blaze that you now knew he was magical and he seemed ...excited that you knew. Though you made it absolutely clear nothing was going to change between the two of you. Blaze would still be your horse and best friend while you would remain his rider.

You put the horseshoes on him and whenever he wanted to use the magic in them magic, like Doctor Strange's magic, sparked out of them, like little embers sparking out from under his hooves. You also put on his horse necklace and tried it out, you loved that you didn't have to take forever tacking up now. You left the necklace on him when you left, Strange told you it had some kind of magical lock on it so only you could take it off.


       A man named Phil Coulson came to the tower one day looking for you. He had designed and your superhero outfit. It was a brownish orange jacket with a lot of buckles and pockets on it, it also had shoulder pads. Under the jacket you wore a brown shirt and some kind of buckle thing that went over your shoulder. You had dark brown jeans with two buckles holding them up. Then you had dark dark brown combat boots. All in all you thought the outfit looked complicated.

       Fabulous? Yes!

      But complicated. How in the wide wide world were you going to put that on fast?


A few more weeks had passed and you've been living at the Avengers Tower for about three months. You and Loki where nearly inseparable. Loki had gotten his stupid metal device off that limited his powers and shocked him if he got out of line. The team took it off because Loki was extremely useful on all the missions he went on and you kept bugging them about it. You took him horseback riding and Loki continued to show you and teach you about magic. You found it extremely interesting, even if you couldn't do any yourself. You have gotten a lot better at fighting and using weapons, Loki even started teaching you how to use a dagger. The mounted shooting lessons were also paying off, the trainer said you were one of her best students and that you could probably enter competitions and win.

You were in your room going through your music trying to figure out which song you were going to use for your reining pattern. That's when JARVIS informed you to get your superhero costume on and get ready to go out on a mission. You jumped up and ran to your closet where the outfit Phil Coulson made for you lived. It only took you five minutes to put your complicated costume on and you were grateful for all the time you spent taking that thing on and off while timing yourself trying to get faster. If you hadn't it would have taken way longer to put your outfit on.

When you were ready you headed down to the living room where Steve gave everyone their assignments and told the team what was going on. A Hydra base that SHIELD was looking for just got discovered, but it was highly armed. One of the leaders for Hydra was staking out there for safety. It was high in the mountains and camouflaged so no one could find it, until now. SHIELD wanted the Avengers to go in, get the leader, and take over the base.

"Everyone but (y/n) go load up." Steve ordered the team. "(Y/n) there's another jet for you. It will take you to your school to get Blaze. Once you get him it will fly you to where the mission is taking place."

You agreed with the plan and with that you and the team got into the elevator to go to the launching deck. Before you could run off to your jet Loki grabbed your wrist and pulled you aside. "I know you are exited to prove yourself to the team love." Loki quickly told you with genuine concern in his voice. "But please don't be reckless. I don't want you getting hurt." Loki practically begged, you could see the pleading look in his eyes, Loki was scared of you getting hurt. You gave Loki a happy warm smile.

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