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After what feels like years, Scotty and I finally have some alone time together. I turned in my final application to the UCLA website only an hour ago, and it feels as if all the weight has been lifted off of my shoulders. 

Well, most of it. 

The girls and I continue to search the same minute of the clip we have but fail to find anything new. I have tried to push it away, told myself it was not important anymore. However, my brain doesn't want to do that. Sometimes I get up at night and search for more, something we missed. Meg keeps telling me it's an unhealthy addiction at this point, and I know she's right. I'm just curious to know everything about the situation, even if it puts me in danger. 

"I can tell you're not watching," Scotty nudges me with his hand that's wrapped around my shoulders. He sounds more disappointed than worried. 

"I'm sorry," I sigh and look up at him. Before I can say anything else he gives me a soft smile. 

"You've been stressed a lot these past few weeks," He acknowledges. "Didn't you finish turning in everything you needed to?" 

"Yeah, but I won't be able to calm down until I know I got in," I only half-joke. UCLA is all I ever wanted, and now it's right around the corner. Just a few more obstacles to go before I figure out if I made it or not.  

"How about a back massage?" 

Once again, Scotty has managed to make me blush with just a few words. I nod my head, knowing my cheeks were pink. "That sounds good," I almost whisper. 

I calmly lay down on the floor as he told me to do so, letting my breathing slow down. My arms hold up my head as I face my left side. Scotty respectfully sits next to me, and manages to work his hands through the knots on my back. The sound of the movie and feeling of him touching me instantly makes me feel better.

"You're so tense," he speaks after a few minutes of calming silence. 

"I didn't know I needed this until now." 

"You've been working so hard lately, I think it's about time you treat yourself." I hum in response, too tired to give a direct answer. He was right, and It made me feel guilty. "I've barely seen you." Scotty's voice is slow as he speaks, trying not to break the relaxing atmosphere. "I just want to hold you and kiss you all the time," he leans down and places a soft kiss on the top of my head, "I want you to know I care about you a lot." 

I turn myself around, grabbing his hands and bringing them up to my lips. "You mean more to me." 

"But you mean the world to me." His words were low and soft, and made me feel every ounce of blood run through my veins. Saying Scotty makes me nervous is an understatement. This boy has made me feel so many feelings at the same time. I am always on a high when I'm around him, no drugs needed.

Next thing you know, we can't keep our mouths off of each other. Kisses with Scotty are always hungrier than the last, him always leaving me wanting more. I let out a soft whine as he pulls bacck. 

 "Avery? I have a question for you." 

"That was a statement," I tease, sitting up to meet his eyes, proximity close. My chest was tight with nerves, adrenaline at a peak. Was this anxiety? Was this hope? At this point, it's hard to tell a difference. 

"I was just wondering-" 

A ring screams throughout the room, making both of us jump. I guess I wasn't the only scared one. Scotty's face drops as he looks down at the ground, directly at my phone. "Who is it?" 

We both read the contact name with a groan.



"Why did you bring him?!" Gabbie points the second Scotty and I walk through the doors of the computer lab. Earlier today I had loaned my Student ID to Liza so the two could get in and look at the footage. 

"Why did you tell David?" I shoot back, not as annoyed as I was playing myself out to be. 

"Because unlike you idiots, I know to look further into things," David ushers me over to the computer, obviously wanting to show me something we have missed.

"What's happening?" Scotty asked, confused about the entire situation. 

"Look," David points at the screen, ignoring Scotty's question. I squint my eyes, focusing hard as I watch the bandroom door open. A boy walks around the room, peaking in the cubbies and around the walls, only the back of his head visible. When he finally turns around, I feel more confused than Scotty does. 

"Caleb?" I question in shock.

"Yeah," Meg agrees with a sigh.

"But that's not all," Gabbie says. "Look at his shoes." She points directly on the screen as if to make her point more clear. Then, David rolls the clip back to the original snippet that we knew of, and she points at the shoe we saw standing outside the door. It's the same exact one, to a t. 

"Holy shit,"  I whisper. "What the fuck?"

"That's what I'm asking!" Scotty sounds annoyed as he looks at us in frustration. "Is that what I think it is?" 

"That depends.." Liza says, dragging out her words, "What do you think it is?" 

"Well it looks like you filmed the fucking drug deal," his voice raises, causing everyone to tense, with the exception of David. 

"The idiots even thought there was only this small part of the clip, too," He laughs. "Good thing they have me." 

"It's not that big of a deal," I tell him. 

"Avery, are you fucking kidding me? If they would have found that camera and traced it back to you, they could have hurt you." 

"But they didn't," I argue back, eyes narrowed. "I'm perfectly fine, we are all  perfectly fine." 

"Leaving the camera was a safer option for us sitting there all night," Gabbie points out. 

"You shouldn't even be involved in the first place!" 

"Scotty, listen dude-" David tries to calm him down, but is ignored as Scotty makes his way over to me. I can't tell if his eyes are watering from anger or if he's crying. 

"You are so lucky they didn't find that camera, Avery. You could get injured or killed, and I don't know if I'd be able to handle that." 

"Sco-" I try, but once again, he doesn't bother to listen.

"I can't believe you would do something so reckless. Are you that fucking stupid? That careless?" 

At this point, every apology I was ready to make vanished. Every word I was going to say was lost in my head. All that repeated was:




"You know what, Scotty?" I speak mindlessly. "You're completely right, I am fucking stupid!" I let out a harsh laugh. "I'm such a fucking dumbass, do you know why?" 


At this point, I knew I was crying. 

Nobody in the room bothered to move, speak, or even breathe. They felt the tension, clear as day. They knew I was past mad, beyond pissed. But even I wasn't expecting the next thing that came out of my mouth. A snake with no control over their venom. 

"Because only a total idiot would even bother  trying to be with you." 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2019 ⏰

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