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My chest was tight. I knew coming home was a bad idea, but where else was I supposed to go? Scotty's parents are home, and I don't trust Dom enough to stay at his house.

"Are you?" Daniel was tired of me not talking, it was easy to tell. "Well, I don't think I am anymore?" It sounded more like a question than a statement. "When did you do that to your hair?" He reaches out to touch it but I take a small step back. "I was bored." I said with a shrug. I didn't notice I moved closer to Scotty until my arm touched his. I looked over to my left to see him. He was tense. He was confused, and so was I.

"And Who is this guy?" Daniel asked pointing to Scotty. "His na-"

"I'm Scotty." He interrupted me with a sharp tone. I looked back over to Scotty again to see that he had a glare. He pieced two and two together before I could. "I assume you're the surprise that Sarah was talking about."

"Yes, but it was a suprise for Avery, not for you." Daniel sounded upset.

"Well I was suprised, for sure." I said after processing the information. I knew I had to butt in or they would keep me waiting at my doorstep all night.

"Yeah, me too." Daniel must be referring to my hair and septum ring. "When did you do all of this?"

"Today." I spoke with ease. I felt like I was talking to my parents after getting in trouble.

"I didn't know you could get a septum ring without parents permission before eighteen."

"It's L.A., Daniel. You get away with things very easily." I turn to Scotty to speak to him. "I'll see you tomorrow at school. I have to apologize to Sarah and catch up with Daniel." He shook his head and shot Daniel another glare before heading to his house. "Just text me." He said it so quietly that it was almost a whisper.

I walk past Daniel and shut the door behind me. "Just one second." I tell him. I walk towards Sarah's door and gently knock. "It's me."

"Avery?" She sounded muffled because the door was shut. "Come In."

"You're gonna be mad." I say but still do as I'm told and let myself in. She looked at me normally. She didn't seem suprised at all. "I actually saw this coming." She told me with a sigh. "I would do the same thing when I would get into fight. I always knew we were pretty much the same."

"So Daniel was my suprise?"

"Yeah, where did you stay last night?" She answer my question but avoided the topic of Daniel being here as soon as she could. "I stayed at Scotty's." She raised an eyebrow indicating for me to go on. "His parents were at work."

"Are you two dating?"

"Not quite." I admit to her.

"Well do you want to date him?" The question made my cheeks red. I thought back to David talking about Liza in one of Doms bedrooms the morning after the party.

"I'm not- I'm not sure." Everything David had said was running through my head. Would things be different if we were official? What if Scotty doesn't even want to date me?

"Well shit. I wouldn't have payed for Daniel to fly here if I knew about you liking Scotty." She let out a small laugh. "Look, I don't think Daniel will be that upset. He's very understanding. Just go out and talk to him."

"Alright I will." I sigh and walk towards the door before realizing I still haven't apologized. I turn back around to face her. "Also, I just want to say I'm sorry about yesterday. I shouldn't have been such a brat. I promise I'll make more time for you." She responded by giving me a smile and shooing me out of her room.

Mischief // S.S. AUWhere stories live. Discover now