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To: Scotty Sire
From: Ave
I'm so pissed right now. I'm on my way to the park right now. Sarah is being ridiculous.

To: Ave
From: Scotty Sire
Wait what happened? Are you okay?

To: Scotty Sire
From: Ave
Yeah I'm just pissed. I'll explain when I get there. What are y'all up to?

To: Ave
From: Scotty Sire
Just recording weird sketches for David. I really think he wants to be a vlogger or something.

To: Scotty Sire
From: Ave
I can totally see him doing that!

To: Ave
From: Scotty Sire
Watch him be more successful than any of us.

To: Scotty Sire
From: Ave
Are you kidding me? David Dobrik being more successful than everyone in our group?

To: Ave
From: Scotty Sire
You do have a point.

I look up from my phone to see that I'm already at the park. Scotty is sitting on a teeter-totter by himself, and I decided to join him.

"I know I have a point." He jumped as I swung my leg over the seat and began moving up. "I always make points."

"Are we suddenly becoming children?" He asked me while turning his camera on. "I've always been a child, Sire." I stick my tongue out at him. "A cute one."

"Are you saying you're a pedo?"

"No, how would I be? Wait- nevermind. " he turned off his camera and looked at me with a smile. "Explain what happened, b."

I blushed slightly before I spoke. "I got there and Sarah just kind of- I guess she just flipped out on me."

"But why?"

"I guess she just got upset because I haven't been able to spend time with her. I understand that, but I didn't have to go home and hangout with her today."

"Well you aren't."

"But I was going to."

"I understand. So what pushed you to come here?"

"She told me to leave, so I did. I am so furious. I don't even want to go back tonight because I know she's going to want to apologize. Which she needs to, I just don't want to see her today. I need time to breathe."

"So What was the surprise?" He asked slowing down the teeter-totter so we can speak better, but not making it stop.

"I still have no idea." I sigh. "She told me it's going to have to wait until tomorrow, and I told her that I had plans for tomorrow. I pinky promised David, a women never break a pinky promise!"

"I think you are a child." He let out a lighthearted laugh which made me smile. "Well What are you going to do, then? Since you don't want to go home."

"I have no idea, Scotty. I guess I'm going to have to sneak through my window or something."

"You don't have to." He exaggerated the word have and gave me a goofy smile.

"Uh oh. What's your idea?"

"Well, my parents are gone again. You can always stay at my house." He suggested. "I mean I can sleep on the floor or in my parents room an-"

Mischief // S.S. AUWhere stories live. Discover now