1.5 The ML Is Now A Beast

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Miss Greene tuned Charlotte out and turned back to Annabell with a smile. "Anna, this is Charlotte." The elderly lady didn't give her the opportunity to introduce herself and curry favor. "I was hoping you could lead her around, show how our school works. Along with how to behave here." She spared a glance at the blonde girl, an underhanded suggestion getting across exactly what she wanted.

This bumpkin princess obviously doesn't know how to conduct herself. The real princess should help make an example.

Charlotte burned in embarrassment. Was this hag trying to ruin her whole school experience? As much as she hated to admit it, Annabell was her best bet for becoming the creme of the crop in this school. When she was more popular, she'd kick this princess off the succession line and become the queen. 'Don't make me leave a bad impression!', were her thoughts.

It was too bad Annabell could practically hear her thoughts, or at least have a good grasp of them. It made Brooke who possessed her body cackle like a maniac. You, a queen? In your dreams, blonde bimbo! Ironically, this was the only blonde Brooke had ever not liked. Most of the two people she disliked were bald. Long story.

Annabell smiled at Charlotte awkwardly. "Another transfer student? What a coincidence, I just transferred in a month or two again." Yet the bias had already distanced their statuses to an extreme point.

"Really? I hope you can help me out, Anna." Charlotte gave a sickly sweet smile and Annabell couldn't help but slightly cringe away from her. She was already trying to establish a close relationship by using a nickname. Would've worked on the old Annabell for sure.

The black haired girl made her discomfort and the gap between the two girls obvious with only a sentence. "Please don't call me that. Annabell is preferred as we're in no way close."

Shutting down someone who was used to getting their way quickly was always a comfort. The expression of shock on Charlotte's face could've been made into a meme. Oh god that was actually hilarious. Brooke would take a picture of that and make it the next big thing if possible.

[ Host's request heard. Taking picture...*click* uploading picture to System Database for other Hosts and Systems. ]

"... Since when could you do this, Jules?"

[ Not sure, Host. It just triggered within me. ]


Brooke had already adapted to her little Jules forgetfulness and given up on reminding him of things that she didn't even know existed. If it happened, it happened. Also, when did it become possible for her to use emoticons in her mind? Too many damn unexplained things in this System.

Charlotte, who had no way of knowing this conversation and a picture of her was circulating around various universes at light speed gaining traction, was indignant at Annabell's reply to her attempted connection making. Was she so far up on her high horse that Charlotte didn't deserve a bit of her respect?! What cheek this girl had!

Choosing to ignore Charlotte's pretty face morphing into that of a goblin, Annabell smiled to Miss Greene. "We'll be taking our leave now. I'll see you after school, Miss Greene."

Miss Greene gave Annabell a smile and went back to whatever work she had before the girls had entered the office, Annabell leading Charlotte out of the office to let one of her favorite staff members get to work.

"Annabell, would you mind telling me anything about this school?"

Charlotte had asked this question as the two girls walked down the hallway, Annabell keeping distance between them. This further showed how much the school's princess didn't feel comfortable around the newest transfer. Those in the hallway who saw the two couldn't help but think 'If Snow White, who likes everyone, doesn't like this girl, what must she have done?'.

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