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Italics = sign language

I have fairly good grades and went on to do a level in child care, psychology, basic first aid and law. I know the last two didn't seem to fit but let me carry on. I had a best friend in primary school who was abused called Nick that ended with the trauma in year six when his relatives (I use that term very loosely) decided to end it and killed him.

And from then on I knew what wanted, no needed to do.  To help others and be their shield.

So that's what I did that is until a few years later, I had just finished for the day when a man in a full black suit came and asked me to become a shrink for S.H.E.I.L.D as they are put through a lot and need someone to help them, and sometimes there's that get caught up in the fighting and need help. So I agreed and that's how I came to be at S.H.E.I.L.D. 

A couple of weeks in and I realised that I had lots of free time so I started going to the gym and shooting range (just in case) then I started attracting attention and I ended up attending lessons with agents in their free time and joining in with the wrestling, sword fighting and basically whatever I could while I was there I was enjoying myself, I found myself longing for it getting bored of all the patients and wanting to help properly especially seen as none of the agents wanted any help or even to talk to me as a shrink. Then one day the man who brought me here came up to me while I was joining in with a gymnastics class just a way off from the rest so I wasn't in the way.  He started talking 'I've been watching you. Do you no longer like your job?' 'Umm, not really any more sir. It seems I could help a lot more out there sir.' 'First no need to call me sir, the names Furry, use it. Second I have been given permission to take you on. That is if you wanna help?' 'Yes please.' 'Good training starts at 7 sharp tomorrow.' And so he trained me till I was an agent like him. 

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