Chapter 44

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Okay so slight trigger warning here. There's no violence, no sexual assault or anything like that. But somethings gonna happen that may resonate with a lot of people so just please breathe and be calm. You're all okay and so strong.
Love you.

"Baby please be careful or you'll knock over your drink," Jimin softly chided as he ran his hand soothingly along the smallests arm. The trio were gathered in the diner where Jungkooks Eomma worked. Neither men fully prepared for what was about to happen, hell, neither had a clue about what was about to be dropped.

Yoongi softly apologised and stopped shaking his leg under the table, which had been causing it to shake rather loudly. He was scared. Scared because once Eunsook explains everything, there's no going back. He knew that feeling. He hated the idea of any one else going through it.

Jungkook smiled with nostalgia as he stared at the kids side of the diner menu, the cute animated waffle character and his little chefs hat brought back so many memories.

"Hey guys," Ms Jeon greeted as she came over, still dressed in her uniform but also wearing a light, purple cardigan on top. As usual, her hair was tied back from her face, she seemed tired, or maybe it was just the lighting that made her seem tired.

She sat down with them, specifically bedside Jimin, Jungkook and Yoongi sat directly opposite them.
They had no food, just some sodas and milkshakes, Ms Eunsook also denied food, just asking for some coffee.

After taking her first long sip, sighing with relief, her soft brown eyes met those of her son.
"I guess you're wondering why I asked you to meet with me today,"

Jungkook nodded but smiled regardless, holding onto his Eomma hands as he'd done a hundred times before, not appreciating how simple this moment was. Nor would he ever appreciate these simple moments, of course until it was too late.

She wore a simple smile, one that surprisingly lacked pain, but more so held acceptance. Like a knowing smile that said she'd accepted everything coming.

"Bubby, I know you've been wondering why I keep working here, why I need extra cash," she waited for Jungkook to nod, hating that she was about to change everything, "well that's because I have a lot of hospital bills to pay."

Both Jimin and Jungkook raised confused brows,
"Hospital bills? Are you sick Eomma?"

The woman sucked in a tight breath, the words almost choking her but inching their way towards the tip of her tongue.
Yoongi could see the woman struggling and reached to place his hand atop of her free one, as Jungkook held her other hand. She smiled gratefully at the boy before closing her eyes and nodding.

She looked up at her sweet son, pride swelling him her throat aids she would never want to cause him this pain. She loved him so much.
"I-I have cancer Bubby."

Those three horrible words. Three horrible words that affect people in the lost horrible of ways. Those three words everyone prays we never hear, but there they were. Sitting in the air like a looming raven, uneasy and terrifying all the same.

Jungkook froze, unable to process the woman's word, let alone believe them.
"Cancer? What? No- no you don't! No- wait- no wait ma, y-you can't- I-" the taller man fell over a mantra of words, his voice becoming painful and eyes filling with a glaze of ineffable fear.

The woman smiled softly, tracing her finger song her sweet sons face, her thumb swiping away the first of many tears to fall.
"It's okay bubby, it's okay. Im okay with this. Please calm down darling, how I hate seeing you so upset."

Jungkook didn't really cry per sey, but he struggled. A lot. He couldn't find any air when he breathed, his eyes darted across his mother's face, as if he were desperately trying to burn her image in his mind, afraid she'd fade away then and there.
Jimin was dead silent. His eyes stared at Eunsook beside him, he knew this woman like his own mother, loved her and cared for her like one too. He couldn't help but wrap his arms around her shoulders and bury his face in her neck. He wasn't like Jungkook who reacted with a pained face and wordless breaths. No, Jimin cried. Long wallowing tears flooded his face and it broke Yoongis heart to see his lovers like this.

Yoongi hugged Jungkook. Although the man seemed completely dazed out of it, Yoongi likes to think that his mind could at least register the comfort he was receiving.

Eunsook continued explaining that she had liver cancer, probably due to her excessive drinking and alcoholism in her youth. She'd been getting treatment for a while which makes her tired but luckily has stopped the growing of more tumours and such. But unfortunately as we all know, there's no true cure for liver cancer.

"Did they give you the option of a donor liver?" Jimin asked. This was his particular field of study, many of his colleagues continue daily to try and find more cancer cures but unfortunately it's all been amiss.

Eunsook shook her head, "I can't go on the donor list as I'm an alcoholic. It's my own fault I guess," she chuckled painfully.

Jimin lifted his head, "you could have a direct transplant. From a family member," he tried to bring some sense of hope.

Eunsook again shook her head, "I could never ask yous of that, plus the chance of a direct match I believe is quiet low."

"I'll get tested tomorrow." Jungkook started before dropping his head into his mother open hands on the table, just resting there silently.

Eunsook knee better than argue with her stubborn son. She just bent down and kissed his forehead, "thank you Bubby. I'm so sorry."

They didn't leave Eunsook. All of them gathered to her apartment where they stayed the night. Jimin and Yoongi cuddled on the sofa bed while at 3am Jungkook had stumbled into his Eommas bed. She welcomed her boy with open arms, stroking his hair as she did when he was a child.

"I love you Eomma. This song your fault. You were always a good Eomma so you never have to apologise to me okay? We'll get you better. I promise. We'll find some way to make you better." He whispered while wrapping his strong arms around her frail waist, his eyes landing on the many hospital letters on her dresser.

The woman smiled, "I've always so proud of you Bubby, I only wish I could do more for you. I'll do my best darling, I'll try my best to get better just for you okay? I love you too Bubby, I love you so much."

And with that the house fell asleep. Their lives will forever be changed by that horrible and disgusting disease; cancer.

That's the end of the chapter, I hope you enjoyed???
I'm sorry if this caused any distress. I have lost people to cancer and have had people in my life beat cancer, it's a very real issue that today effects one in every two people.

Love you all x


Word count: 1222


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