"What do you mean?" Alberto asked confused. I could see that they didn't really see how he was behaving.

"Don't worry." I said and Alberto just shrugged it off. I saw Dominic looking at me and he just nodded. He and I knew each other well. It was like we didn't even have to explain what we meant. He already understood me.

"He was really quiet." Dominic said and I nodded. Alberto was almost in his own world and most of the time high but I didn't blame him. He broke up with his boyfriend. Actually, his boyfriend broke up with him. The only way to kind of hide his feelings was to pretend as nothing happened or to get high. That's how I did it most of the times.

"I guess we will see." Alberto said as he put his cigarette on the ground. Dominic glared at him and then put it in the ash box.

"I want my deposit back on this apartment so please Alberto, try to not ruin it when you come over." Dominic said as he still looked angrily at him. Alberto just nodded. He really did seem like he didn't care.

"Let's go." I said as I finished my cigarette. We all walked together out of Dominic's apartment and walked towards his car.

No one really talked. Only loud banging music was in the car. I just looked out of the window as the wind was going through my hair. Sometimes I wished as I could go away from here but I could never leave my sister alone or my parents. They were honestly my life and for them, I wanted to work for them. Get them everything they wanted and especially Vivien.

As we arrived at the party, I already saw people drunk. Plastic cups were on the ground and everyone else was either making out or dancing. I smiled and hoped that I could find someone to spend some time with. We walked inside the house and I saw everyone already looking at us. I don't know why but we were considered as the bad guys of our campus. Even though we never acted out than just smoking.

"Matt, let's find Ian and Will." Alberto said as he was already trying to lighten another joint full of weed. I slapped it out of his hand which made Alberto angrily look at me.

"What the hell, Matt!" He shouted at me in anger and I rolled my eyes.

"You will die if you keep on getting high." He said and I tapped him on his shoulders as we walked together to find Ian and Will. I knew Alberto was pissed but at the end of the day, he would thank me later.

"There you are." Will said and he pulled me. Confused and a bit surprised, I looked at him but I didn't really say something.

"This my man, Matthew." Will said, introducing me to guys I haven't seen in my life before.

"Welcome Matthew." He said as if he were welcoming me into his home. I assumed that it was his party.

"Derek." He said with a cold voice which made me shiver out of fear a bit. I never got scared but this guy somehow made me feel so afraid. His aura was just dark.

"Do you have those guns with you?" Derek asked and Will looked at him as he nodded his head. Shocked I looked at him as he pulled out the guns and pointed it at me.

"What the hell." I cursed and behind me, I saw Dominic pulling a gun out and he was pointing it at Will.

"What is fucking wrong with all of you?!" Harry cursed as he shouted at Will and Dominic. Confused, I tried to move but Will shook his head. I couldn't believe that Will would actually try or kill me.

"Ask Dominic." Derek said with a smirk on his face. At this point, I was more annoyed with him and if two guns were not pointed at me or someone else, I would have punched him in the face.

"Dominic here is involved in a gang and he killed one of our guys so we only get him back for what he did to us." Will said and shocked overwhelmed me. Dominic killed someone?

"If you lay a finger on anyone here, my guys will come out. Look around you." Dominic said from behind me. When I looked around, I saw some guys looking at us with guns in their pockets. Everyone else wasn't here. It was almost like we were lured in here for this.

"There is no reason for bad blood here." Ian said as he took the gun from Will. Will shot him a glare and Derek clenched his jaw out of anger.

"There is certainly not. Your guy attacked mine. We only protected ourselves or shall we question the alliance we made?" Dominic asked. Derek stood up and in a second all the guns were pointed at him. Dominic slowly took me behind as Derek clenched his jaw.

"Don't worry. No rule has been broken. We can leave." He said and together with Will and Ian, he walked away whilst the guys were still pointing the guns at him until they had left.

"What was that?!" Alberto shouted in anger and shock. Dominic sighed as he looked at me over to Alberto and then Harry.

"I will explain everything." He said calmly.

"You will explain to us why our other friends just went against us or wanted to kill me?!" I shouted in anger. I saw that it had taken Dominic a bit by a surprise but everyone was dying to know what the fuck had happened here.

"I am in a gang. It is known in the mafia business as Tumac. We are one of the biggest and powerful gangs in New York but the gang that Derek leads which is Fuzi is also here." Dominic said and all of us just listened to him.

"Fuzi wants the power and for years before I even had joined the group, they had been fighting each other. It was just a war that no one was aware of. Somehow the Tumac and the Fuzi made an alliance and now that Derek has the control, he wants to ruin that." Dominic said. I frustrated wiped my mouth and started breathing heavily.

"Why are you even involved in this?" I asked in disbelief. Looking at Domini, he didn't look like a guy that would be involved in shit like this.

"Because I have no choice. My father owed them so much money and he couldn't pay it back. The only way to pay for his death was to work for them for life." Dominic said. I could hear the sadness in his voice.

"I am sorry that you have been put in this situation. It won't happen again." He said. I walked over to him and looked at him. I saw him looking at me and I saw the guilt in his eyes. I hugged him and right after I hugged him, Alberto and Harry did too.

"What if we would with you? Wouldn't it just pay the debt off earlier without you spending your whole life with them?" Harry asked and I agreed with him but Dominic quickly shook his head.

"Is like living in hell. I can't do that or ask for this." Dominic said and Alberto shook his head.

"Will and Ian may be against you but we are brothers for life. We will help each other. Even if that means dying." Alberto said and I saw that Dominic was getting tears in his eyes. I know he needed us.

"None of us knew what we were getting ourselves in to but we knew we were helping a friend." I said as Lauren was still carefully listening when I told her the story. The shock was seen on her face.

"Alberto is involved in this." Lauren asked more than she said it. I nodded my head slowly. I could see the disappointment in her eyes when I confirmed it for her.

"Not everyone we kill is good... Most of them have killed innocent people. The one that attacked you was from Fuzi." I said.

"We have to work all together twenty years for Tumac and the depth will be paid off." I said and she shook her head.

"Can't we call the police?" She asked and I quickly shook my head.

"Some of the police officers are involved and if a word comes out and anyone finds out. They won't kill me but everyone I care about." I said and she nodded her head slowly...

After | Matt DaddarioWhere stories live. Discover now