Chapter 25 - The Dance We Shared

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Two Months After Surgery

Beatrice Morgan sighed in exasperation as she watched a servant place a floral arrangement in the wrong spot once again. She redirected him, trying to determine if it was in the correct place this time.

"Thank you, Randall," she said with a tired smile. "I don't mean to be so cruel, but everything must be perfect."

"I understand, ma'am," he bowed and exited the ballroom. He wouldn't say anything, but Lady Morgan was going overboard with this whole thing.

It had been months since Kate's surgery, and she had recovered well. Her vision didn't heal quite as well as everyone had expected, but it would do. Her right eye had recovered almost entirely. It was the left eye that was the problem. She was still blind in her left eye. Apparently, her optic nerve had been more damaged than anyone had suspected. Her sight would never be fully recovered, but she was happy just being able to see with one eye.

And that was why she would be attending tonight's ball. Very few in attendance were aware of Kate's blindness, so the party was being treated as a general ball rather than a celebration of Kate. The entire manor was in a frenzy preparing for the ball, and everything was almost perfect. The only thing missing was a certain guest that had yet to decide if he would make an appearance or not.

Prince Wilfred had no idea if the surgery had worked or not. The last he had heard of Kate was when he snuck into her hospital room with the help of Sasha. He knew she was not angry with him, but that did not mean she would want to see him. He was also broken-hearted knowing that she could never be his queen. Even if he asked, she would never consent to have him. She would cite her blindness, refusing him in earnest, and he would be heartbroken once more.

And this is how the night of the ball began: Kate learning how to stand out when for so long she only hid in background and Wilfred working up the courage to see the woman he loved for what he thought would be the last time.

Kate's POV

I smile politely at the gentleman that had approached me in the ballroom. He was some lord or other. An older gentleman that rambled on, dragging out his words and trying to sound important. He was saying something about his son when another man caught my eye from across the room. He was tall with dark hair and a disinterested expression. I felt like he was staring at me couldn't be sure. I excused myself from my current conversation and casually made my way over to him.

"Lady Katelyn," he said in a neutral expression, bowing as he spoke.

"Sir," I say casually as I curtsy back. I know his voice from somewhere, but I can't quite place it. "Are you enjoying the ball?"

"I am," he says stiffly. "I confess I am only here to see that my master is safe."

"Oh," I say, "And who is your master? He must be a lucky fellow to have a butler as diligent as you."

"I don't believe I deserve such a high compliment," he blushed.

"I didn't catch your name, sir," I smile politely.

He looks at me uncertainly, unsure of how to reply. "I didn't give it, ma'am." I can understand that doesn't wish to discuss this further, so I drop the subject.

"I am honored by your presence, sir. As well as that of your masters'." I turn to see my mother on the other side of the room. "If you will excuse me, my mother may be needing my help." I curtsy once more and make my way across the room. Just who was that man? Where do I know that voice?

I observe the couples on the dancefloor, weaving in and out around one another. What would it have been like to be in Wilfred's arms like that? I turn my head away. There's no use in thinking about him. He wants nothing to do with me.

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