Chapter 16 - On the Way to the Ball

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Kate's POV

A few days later, Saturday night

I still don't know how mother did it. She convinced father to let me join them at the ball. It still amazes me, and I almost feel as if it isn't quite real. I feel as though I might wake up any moment and this is a dream. The one thing that convinces me otherwise is how hard Marie is pulling on my hair. She pulls and twists and pins until my hair is pulled up into a sophisticated updo. My make up is done to perfection and then I am dressed in a chiffon ball gown. I'm told it is a deep red, almost burgundy, yet I can't see it. When everything is ready, my mother enters the room.

"Kate," she says affectionately, "I have something for you."

"What is it?"

"I was so distraught when you were in the accident." She speaks softly, her voice tinged with emotion. "I could barely breathe for the longest time, and even after you woke up, it was difficult to fall back into the routine. I wanted so desperately for everything to go back to normal. It occurred to me that you would at some point be ready to return to a more social life, but..." she trails off.

I know exactly what she's thinking about.


"Katelyn," my mother whispers softly at she sits by my bed, "your father and I invited Lord Michel over to have tea. Would you like to join us? He should be here within the hour."

"No, thank you, mother," I say, staring into nothing. It's only been three months since I've been home from the hospital. Ten months since the accident.

"Kate, I understand that you need rest, but you also need to get out of this room if even for a few moments."

I said nothing, simply rolling over in bed. If I cannot see, then how will I live?

End of flashback

I must have caused my mother so much pain back then.

"Well," she begins again, "its no matter now that we have put it behind us." She hands me a box. "These were my mother's. I was going to give them to you when you and Prince Wilfred got engaged, but I think now would be a better time."

I open the box and feel inside. It's a necklace and earrings. The feel is familiar somehow. Like...

"Mother!" I gasp. "These are the very jewels you wore to my birthday party six years ago!"

"Yes, and I think they will look stunning with your gown tonight."

My lifeless eyes water with unshed tears of joy. I've always loved this diamond set, and I can hardly believe my mother would give them to me.

"Let me help you," she says as she stands behind me and clasps the necklace in place.

"Mother," I say tentatively.

"Yes, dear?"

"Do you think Prince Wilfred and I would have made a good match? That is, if the accident hadn't have occurred."

"Kate," she begins, fasting my earrings, "I think that you could get along with just about anyone. That includes the prince. If your father weren't so stubborn about it, I'd be planning a wedding about now."

I pause. My mother has never once said anything about me marrying since the accident. I just assumed she and father both agreed I would never marry.

"Honey," she says sweetly, tucking a loose strand of hair behind my ear, "blindness doesn't determine your future. You do. Look at Helen Keller or Andre Bocelli. You can have a beautiful life despite any perceived limitations. I have hope that one day you will find someone that will look past all of this, and you will start a wonderful and fulfilling life with them." She stands and takes my hand. "Now, we shouldn't keep your father or Sasha waiting." Without another word, we leave my room and make our way to the foyer. From there, we get into our limousine and are on our way to the palace.

The car ride is quiet and almost...tense. Mother and father sit across from Sasha and me. I can tell father is slightly nervous thinking about me going. What he doesn't realize is that I've been to parties and such since losing my sight. He thinks each time I've gone it was for a drive or a late-night dinner with Sasha, and he still hasn't realized why Prince Wilfred asked me for tea a few weeks ago.

"Frederick, dear," my mother says softly.

"Hm?" my father replies.

"Your leg is shaking."

"I can't help it."

"Relax, darling." Her soft voice hardly rises above a whisper. One must wonder how my parents suit each other so well. My mother is so kind and graceful; she would have been the perfect queen (she is, for all intents and purposes, everything you would expect from a noble lady). On the contrary, my father is loud, wild with excitement and anticipation. I've never known him to sit still. Maybe that's it. My mother, in all her calmness, reminds him to slow down, and he gives her someone to take care of.

"I'm not one to gossip, but I think we should all be aware that the prince has possibly found a bride," my mother says.

"What?" I say, shocked. He never mentioned...

"It's only a rumor. By technicality, the rumor is that he has a girlfriend, but he's 25 years of age. He should be taking a bride soon." She places her hand on my knee. "I just want you to be aware that this rumor is circulating."

"I know, mother." I give a small smile, placing my hand atop hers. "I already knew there could be no future with him." Or anyone else for that matter I want to add, but I hold my tongue. I'm aware my mother has held out hope that someday I'll marry, just as my father has held out hope that my sight would return. Internally, I sigh, though outwardly I remain silent, making no move.

I'm still not sure how to process my mother's news. Does Wilfred have a girlfriend? But why would he have asked me to the dinner party weeks ago and not her? Why stay awake hours talking to me? Wait...could it

Wilfred's POV

Tonight is the night. Tonight is the night I ask Kate to be my girlfriend. I may also ask her parents to reconsider our betrothal. Its obvious we would do well together. I just wish they could see that. I stop just outside the door to the ballroom when a thought suddenly hits me. What if I'm missing something? Kate still hasn't told me about the accident or why her parents called off the betrothal. Maybe tonight is not the night. Maybe this friendship is just that, and I'm imagining feelings on her part. I'm not good enough for Kate. Maybe I'm not what she wants in a partner. That settles it. Tonight, I'll ask her; if she says no, then I will simply have to accept that and move on. Either way, tonight I will know.

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