Chapter 1 - A Fated Meeting

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Noble Micheal had never been more alive with excitement. Everyone who was anyone was attending the annual Summer's Eve Ball. The princes of the six kingdoms had yet to arrive, and most every eligible lady was buzzing with anticipation; the rumor circulating the dance floor was that Prince Wilfred of Phillip was looking for a bride tonight. 

"Poor Prince Wilfred," they all said. "Didn't you hear what happened to his last fiancee? Dead they say."

"I hope he chooses me," they all giggled. "I wish that he'd propose to me."

And so the gossip went on. They all wanted to be chosen. They all wanted a crown. All but one. A young woman sitting toward the back of the room near an open window. A citizen of Phillip, she sat with her head turned delicately to the side in a midnight blue gown. Her brunette hair was swept up in a French twist. Her face was almost flawless with the exception of a small mole beneath the outer corner of her left eye. She was a picture of loveliness, until you saw her eyes. Honey brown and rich and just slightly off. As if she were starring through you.

No one paid any attention to her though. Trumpets sounded, and all eyes were on the grande staircase. The princes were announced one by one as they descended the stairs.

"Prince Roberto of Alteria, Prince Edward of Charles, Prince Keith of Liberty, Prince Glenn of Oriens, Prince Joshua of Dres Van, and Prince Wilfred of Phillip."

Squeals and applause erupted around the room as each prince was announced. They made their way to their usual spots, mixing and mingling with each other and other nobles. 

Music began to play, and Prince Keith escorted his friend, Kiri, onto the floor. Prince Edward followed in suit with his new wife, Arielle. Prince Roberto and Prince Glenn found partners as well. Prince Joshua, busy mingling with a glass of wine, ignored the music. And Prince Wilfred. Prince Wilfred stood next to Joshua, silently scanning the crowd. Then he saw her.

She seemed uninterested in the party, and that's what caught his eye. A picture of elegance, she looked as if she wanted to take a stroll in the garden or read a book rather than be here. Maybe that's why he ventured across the room. Just to talk with her. Ask her to dance. Leave this party and all its boredom behind. 

"Hello," he said as he approached her table.

The girl turned at the sound, but didn't quite look at him. "Hello," she whispered. Her voice was sweet and small. Like she didn't use it much to speak unless she was paying a compliment.

"May I have this dance?" Wilfred asked.

"I'm sorry. I don't dance." She replied softly before turning back to the window.

Wilfred was in shock. Did she seriously just turn down a dance with him? In all his years, no one had ever done so.

"Then, may I have your name?" He felt out of his mind, but he'd rather sit with her than dance with one of the other girls that would drool each time he spoke with them.

"Miss Katelyn Morgan, daughter of Earl and Lady Morgan of Phillip," she didn't look away from the window, and a soft breeze brushed against her face, almost unnoticeable except for the stray strand of hair it caught.

His eyes widened. She couldn't be. There was no way. This was the woman who's parents broke their betrothal only five years ago.

"I'm Wilfred Spencer, the crown Prince of Phillip." He didn't need to say anymore. Her eyes widened and her jaw dropped. It was the first time he had ever seen her, and Wilfred was filled with a sense of sorrow. Why did this lovely girl break the betrothal? Would she consider taking him back? What would his next move be?

Thank you for reading! I'll have the next chapter up by next week. Let me know what you think! 

Much love,


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