"No, my father said they were close when they were young, he tried to show him the right way, but it didn't work and once my father wouldn't give him what he wanted, he was on his death list," Saffron explained.

"Sorry, I shouldn't expect you to talk about this," Charlie said.

"How can you understand if you don't know the story right?" Saffron asked softly.

"Right," Charlie nodded before continuing, "But what was t he wanted that his father wouldn't give him?"

"Children. My father wouldn't hand children over to him like he asked."

Charlie let this all soak in, the truth about Greyback's want for children werewolves was nasty. How was Saffron able to keep this in, he didn't understand.

"Why would your father tell you all this? Weren't you only young? Did it scare you? How did you handle it?"

Saffron knew he was asking serious questions but a smirk played on her lips on how many questions Charlie had asked.

"He told me because it was important t keep me safe. I was young and it did scare me, it still does. Especially knowing that what wizard blood that runs through his veins runs through mine as well. I don't know. I put on a brave face and kept walking," Saffron said.

"When did he tell you? After Greyback began hunting him or earlier?" he asked.

"Earlier," Saffron murmured, her eyes back on her hands in her lap.

A weird feeling grew in Charlie's stomach and he was worried as to what the answer to the next question might be.

"Saffron, when exactly did he tell you?"

"After the first attack," Saffron whispered.

"First attack? On who Saffron? Your father?"

"No Charlie, on me," Saffron said.

"On you?" Charlie asked then it dawned on him and he knew what Saffron would say next but what he saw, he wasn't prepared for.

"Yes. You see when I said he wanted my father to hand over children. Specifically," Saffron said as she turned on a side and rolled her shirt up high so he could see what she wanted to show him. "he wanted me."

The Ugly One *Charlie Weasley*Where stories live. Discover now