fifteen - death of an era

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they are gone now. 

there is no point holding onto the past. 

you didn't see the signs

and now its too late. 

its over now. 

there is no point wanting them back. 

it wasn't meant to continue. 

and now its not.

you are alone now. 

there is no point staying that way. 

it was nice while it lasted. 

and now you move on. 

but you can't. 

tilt your face to the rain. 

let the water mix with your tears. 

it doesn't fill the gaping hole in your chest. 

let the tears fall and wash away your past. 

wash your heart clean

until the mark they left there is all but gone. 

it will never fade. 

and thats ok. 

your past shapes you. 

we often end how we started. 

new places. 

new faces. 

new people. 

new life. 

a new beginning. 

but your past follows you. 

you cannot change. 

you make the same mistakes again and again. 

you loose the same people again and again. 




they slip through your fingers

like water. 

and like water, 

they are ruined by your touch. 


better without you. 

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