The girls were laying exasperated on the bed when eleven thirty hit.



"We only have ten minutes. He's picking me up at eleven forty." Marinette said. Alya jumped up and smiled.

"How sweet!" She sighed. "We still don't have an outfit though!"

Marinette sat up. "I could just wear what I was going to originally." She suggested.

Alya frowned for a moment but eventually nodded. "That's probably best." She paused, then started laughing. "I don't know what came over me!"

Marinette joined in on her laughter. "I don't know either!" They laughed a moment before Alya shoved her into the bathroom and told her she better change. Marinette came out and sat on the bed.

The friends sat there in silence.

"Are you excited?" Alya asked.

"Yeah, I mean somewhat. I'm also kinda... nervous. Is that bad?"

"No, girl! It's totally normal. You should've seen Nino on our first date. He was so nervous he spilled popcorn all over me, and then he felt so bad. I just laughed."

Marinette sat there horrified. "What if I spill food all over Luka, then he hates me!"

"That won't happen, Marinette. You're way too cool to hate."

"Adrien doesn't think so." She muttered. Alya grew somber. They sat there in silence again. A few minutes later the doorbell rang.

"He's here!" Alya squealed. Marinette and her got up and ran downstairs. They saw Tom talking to Luka on the couch.

"So don't you go trying any funny business here!" They heard Tom say.

"I won't, sir. Promise." Luka answered. The stairs squeaked, and Luka and Tom looked up. Luka smiled when he saw Marinette.

"Hey, Marinette." He stood, and Tom followed suit.

"Hey, Luka." Marinette smiled.

"You ready?" He asked.

"Yeah." She replied. They stood there awkwardly for a moment before Luka started walking to the door. Marinette followed, and they walked out.

"Have fun!" Sabine called after them.

"Bye!" Marinette waved. Luka and her walked down through the bakery and out onto the street. They walked side by side a moment before Luka asked her where she wanted to go for lunch.

"Um... we could get sandwiches?"

"You like sandwiches?"

"Sure. I also like donuts. We don't have them a lot because it's the one thing Dad doesn't sell. We never buy sweets cause we're around them twenty-four seven."

"Well, why don't we get donuts then?"

"But, it's lunch time."

"I'll eat anything anytime if it brings a smile to your face." Marinette blushed deeply as they walked to the cafe a few blocks down.

"So how are you?" Luka asked.

"Fine, I spent the morning with Alya."

"It's always good to have a best friend. What were y'all doing?"

Marinette's face turned a deeper shade of red. "I, er, nothing. We were just talking and... stuff. What were you doing this morning?"

"Juleka and I went guitar shopping."

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