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Start from the beginning

"I left home with a handful of seeds"  Kehau hears Saru tell Michael softly and Michael ask "is this from your homeworld?"  Saru replies "it is the blossom that marks the the passing of seasons on Kaminar somewhere along the way, I I lost who I was so focused on being the best Kelpien in Starfleet defined by my rank and uniform until that is all I became"  Michael says "you are wrong look at what you've achieved you found yourself among the stars you found your bravery your strength you've saved so many lives, Saru including mine.... after all this time.... after everything that we have been through together.... I realize now that you are my family, Saru"  Saru replies "I feel the same.... about you other than Kehau you are the only one who knows me you replaced the sister I had on Kaminar Siranna.... I left her without so much as a good-bye you promise me no matter how frightening or painful it may be promise me you will mend your relationship with Spock if you and I can build this type of bond, I'm certain you can do the same with him please"  Michael says through her tears "I promise .... I love you, Saru"  Kehau walks back over to her husband and her friend and she sits at the head of her and Saru's bed Saru hands her the red flower and she smiles at him as she gently takes it from him Saru looks at her in surprise as she straddles herself on top of his chest and looks down at him with her bright loving eyes then whispers "you're not dying today my life, my love, my heart, my soul!"  she kisses his lips her fingers slide over his threat ganglia one last time and they fall into her hands as she lets the kiss linger for just a little longer both Michael and Saru stare at his ganglia's as they lay in Kehau's hand "I.... I, uh.... don't understand I should be...."  Saru says with a soft surprised tone and Michael laughs softly with relief as Kehau whispers softly "one last gift.... or is it a curse?!"  Saru looks at her then cups her hand in his her eyes lock with his and she smiles at him trying her best not to think negatively about something that should be positive but even she was curious as to why it happened the way it did and how she knew she would not need the Kelpien knife but what worried her the most is when he hears Saru tell Hugh after she and Michael take him to Sickbay for a check up "I have never felt this way before fear has always been the governing principle of my life but now.... it is gone more than that, I feel.... power my own power"  for she had no idea what it meant and it somewhat frightened her.... what if he changes again!?! what if he becomes the man who discarded her as though she meant nothing to him and this time for good!?! "despite speaking 94 languages, there are times when words are not enough"  Saru tells Michael and Kehau after Hugh certified him for duty he takes Kehau's hand in his own and sees her expression change from something he didn't see to the happy woman who loves him in an instant as she smiles at him and even though he was curious as to what he had missed he couldn't help but sigh at the sight of her smile his attention is reverted to his friend as Michael tells him "initial reports are coming in from the science teams the sphere didn't just give us its language we have recorded everything it has seen and experienced the last 100,000 years its legacy and your legacy has a new chapter"  Saru nods and says as he squeezes Kehau's hand gently and places her on his lap "a new and deeply troubling one the Kelpien way of life has always been oriented toward death and the role the Ba'ul play in it my people call it "The Great Balance" it is our central, organizing truth"  Michael replies "but you proved it wrong"  Saru says "precisely and you asked me before why I could not go home it is because I made a promise to Captain Georgiou to uphold General Order 1, not to interfere with the destiny of my species but now, knowing that what my people have accepted as the truth is a lie? what does this mean for us? for my species? my.... my planet?"  Kehau turns her body halfway so that she could face him and she hugs him by wrapping her arms around his waist he returns her hug by wrapping his arms around her and kisses the top of her head and he realized that the emotion he missed seeing come from her was worry he was just unsure what it was that she was worried about his body jumps in surprise as he feels his still bare chest become wet and he realizes that she's crying he kisses the top of her head once more and continues to hold her until her tears stop falling and Michael looks at them with a worried expression of her own for even she has never seen her friend cry and she also had no idea why she was crying relief?! fear?! so many emotions could be running through her friend and she had no idea which one was the right one....

Kehau runs towards Engineering she left Saru side after he fell asleep and went to go check on Paul who somehow felt out of place she kept tapping the side of her head as though she was trying to get something out of it a worm or some form of parasite that didn't belong that seemed to make home in her head she knew it wasn't her that the parasite didn't live in and worried about her friend when she walked through the open door she grips the frame of the door and whispers softly "Paul?!"  she looks around her and sees tiny spores flowing around her friend and a woman she hasn't seen before she looks down at the floor and sees a pod like cocoon laying on it and tilts her head at it she clears the spores out of the room and Paul and the woman wake up from their daze Paul looks at Kehau then around the room and notices that someone he thought was there was actually missing he hears his friend whisper in a soft hushed voice "she's everywhere!"  and he turns and looks at Kehau oddly then he rushes over to her as her knees buckle and catches her before she falls completely he calls for his husband who he knew was the only doctor she would respond to since he was not only familiar but a friend once Hugh arrives he carries Kehau back to her quarters and lays her next to Saru he knew that everything that has happened on the ship has finally taken her over completely in other words she was feeling everything that has happened all at once and her body was now overly exhausted there was nothing he could do for her but make her comfortable he also knew that if Saru woke up and didn't see his wife near/next to him he would worry and he was going to have enough to worry about when he woke up since Tilly was gone.... a few days later Kehau was standing next to Saru on the Bridge when they "finally" caught up to Spock's shuttle Saru looked over at Kehau as she tilts her head and whispers "that isn't Spock!.... she's too dark!"  he looks over at the screen with a worried expression on his face he feels her take his hand and squeeze it then hears her whisper "I'm sorry!.... I have to go!"  he nods and feels her let go of his hand then watches her rush towards the Turbolift then walk into it she gives him a small somewhat reassuring smile as though she was telling him not to worry but he couldn't help it he ALWAYS worries about her but he also knows that she is never wrong with her assumptions whoever she felt was bad.... Pike watches Kehau with a curious expression on his face as she passes him and enters the Turbolift he looks at Saru as though asking him what was going on but instead he had to put his worry for his new friend in the back of his mind as he ended up returning to his Captain duties when he hears Rhys say "his shields are up and his weapons are hot, sir"  and he began to worry about a "old" friend which took precedence over his worry for Kehau and why she left the Bridge in such a hurry Michael also saw Kehau leave but just like Pike her worry for her friend took a back seat when she started to worry about her foster brother neither of them heard what Saru heard her say so they had no idea that Spock was not the one in the shuttle until they went to apprehend him/her and Michael began to understand why Kehau left the Bridge the way she did.... Kehau went to her garden and sat on the cot hoping that she could get her body and mind to relax she recognized the darkness in the shuttle and hoped that she would not have to come face to face with her for she did not know how she would react being in her garden room calmed and soothed her in ways nothing else did and that was what she needed right now the calm and soothing release of everything negative that has been happening on the ship for what felt like forever

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