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Right now Yeosang was currently making his way over to the cafe and he was fuming, his fist where clenched at his sides while having a glare rested on his face, he had not had a very pleasant morning in the slightest.

You see what had happened was after the others came over the other day they happened to not put the knives back where they belonged. They left them on the kitchen counter he didn't put them back, because he had no clue where they went and he didn't want to ruin his mom's organization system she had going on.

Jimin also happened to get home late that night so she didn't even think to put them back being too exhausted and headed straight to bed were she would sleep in until the following morning.

Can you imagine his mother's fuming and perplexed face when she noticed the knives out while her son was peacefully sitting in the living room on a Sunday morning with his sister nowhere in sight.

"Yeosang," she directed towards the living room as she hurried to put her purse in the kitchen counter so she could make her way over towards her son.

"Yes?" He had turned around in his seat to look at his mother who obviously looked upset.

"What's wrong?" Being the incredible son he was he had gone over toward his mother wanting to see what had upset her. What he didn't expect was for her to forcefully grab his arms, making him let out a wince at how tight her grip was.

"You didn't, did you?!" To her when her son winced it meant something completely different without getting her son's permission she pulled up his sleeves turning his wrist around and making sure she scanned up and down his scarred arms.

"Mom!" Yeosang tried to pry his hands away from his mother, but she wasn't letting him go. He was very uncomfortable and disgusted at his mother's actions, with a passion, he despised people grabbing him forcefully him not to mention having attention put on his scars.

His mother shoving them in her face putting on full displaced, wasn't helping her case either. Having enough of it he yanked his hands away from his mother's as he sent her a glare while putting a few steps between him and her.

"What the hell was that for?!!" Yeosang wasn't one to curse or yell at his parents, at all, but his mother had stepped over her boundaries and he wasn't having it at all. In Yeosang's opinion, no one should ever do that to a human being, especially knowing the other had insecurities connected with the lines that littered their arms.

His mother looked at him with disbelief as she pointed to the knife holder that was placed on the kitchen counter.

"What do you expect me to think when those were out!," she was practically screaming at him at this point as her voice echoed throughout the house, "Your sister is the only one who knows where I put them and she nowhere to be seen and yet I see you here with them!!"

All the yelling had woken up Jimin who was quick to understand the situation as she ran down the stairs towards her mother and brother arguing.

"The hell!!! Do you not trust me is that it!!" Yeosang was fuming at this point, pulling his sleeves back into place he looked directly at his mother.

"You still have no right to grab me like that!" Jimin had placed a hand on her brother's chest when she saw him getting too close to their mom who also looked like she was ready to start yelling again.

"Both of you stop it!," looking between her mother and brother, "Mom go upstairs you're clearly tired. Please." Seeing that look in her daughter's eyes she didn't argue as she let out a sigh and made her way towards her bedroom, leaving her two children in the living room.

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