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"Yeosang!" Before him or Emma could even see who it was that yelled his name he was wrapped in someone's arms.

Geez. How many times am I going to be strangled today.

Wrapping his arms around the younger, he was happy to see it was Wooyoung who tackled him and not a complete strangers.

Looking up, he could see both Mingi and Hongjoong not so far away who then joined the group hug, while the others watched the moment.

They were all enjoying their lunch when they saw Mingi and Yunho make their way into the lunchroom but didn't go to the line like the rest of the students and instead headed straight for their table.

They had barely started off, "Emma wanted us to come and get you guys since Yeosang, the one you you guys use to hang out with before he moved, recently enrolled in our school and is currently in the nurse's office with her right now."

San had barely finished before his boyfriend, Wooyoung, got up from his seat and bucked it out of the cafeteria, earning strange looks from their peers not to mention abandoned his tray of food. Mingi and Hongjoong were more civilized with their actions as they got up from theirs seats, but unlike Wooyoung they peacefully made their way out of prying eyes before bucking it behind him, leaving the others in pure confusion on what just happened. They all eventually made their way back to the nurses office to see the trio in a hug surrounding an unfamiliar boy.

"Guys this is Yeosang's the one we knew since we were kids, also the one who moved away a couple years back." Mingi was the first to say after letting go of the others.

Wooyoung and Hongjoong had backed off Yeosang at this point and boy where they happy to see their friend back, who they practically considered their brother.

"Oh.," Wooyoung was the first to notice Yeosang's confused face and realized he was practically in a room of strangers, "we should have introduced you to the others, shouldn't we?"

"Well you already know Yunho and I so it just leaves these two," San pointed at a light brown haired boy and at this point was it even surprised the blonde waiter from yesterday,"'you probably already know Seonghwa from yesterday at the cafe from your reaction."

He was right Yeosang noticed him immediately and he wasn't going to lie he might of found him little cute, but he wasn't about to tell them that.

"I'm Jongho by the way." The light brown/blonde haired boy next to Seonghwa introduced himself bringing out his hand for a handshake which Yeosang didn't decline. He also didn't decline Seonghwa's when he did the same.

He was happy to see his friends add new members to their little family as they called it. One thing he didn't fail to notice the way Wooyoung's hand wrapped around San's waist securingly or the way Yunho went to hold Mingi's hand.

Moving his sight from Wooyoung to Mingi honestly brought him amusement to see his friends so infatuated with the boy next to them.

"I see don't tell Yeosang about your boyfriends and here I thought you guys were my friends." Wooyoung and Mingi's face both turned tomatoes red at this while their boyfriends found it amusing finding Yeosang teasing them funny, not to mention making Hongjoong, Seonghwa, and Jongho burst out laughing, but mostly Jongho who clutched his stomach because he was laughing so hard.

Emma was just observing the others from her desk, which she went back to after the group entered, she noticed the light in Yeosang's eyes coming back along with his smile which made her think these boys are capable of bringing the light back into his life.

What also piqued her interest or should she say who, was Seonghwa who looked at Yeosang in a way she couldn't decipher at first, but then she realized it was the way she used to look at Daniel back when they first met. She also didn't fail to miss the way Yeosang looked at Seonghwa earlier when they entered the room, even if Yeosang was quick to look away then.

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