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(n) a homesickness for a home you can't return to , or that never was .



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The bell finally rang , its lunch time . i started to pack my stuff and i got up from my seat everyone was already gone , i quickly left my class.

i looked around the cafeteria for a little bit and i saw my friends , as soon as i saw them i started to walk towards them with a grin .

" hey, guys !!"
" sup lucas ?" they said in unison after that everyone went back to talking about random stuff .
" did you hear about beth ? ugh she's such a creep ! she was found by the football team in one of the boys lockers spying on them in the changing room " haechan said and took a bite of his apple.

" lol thank god i'm not in the football team" jaehyun said laughing

Ten looked up from his phone and said " yo , guys have y'all heard about ROYALTY the gang ?"
everyone looked confused as too why he suddenly brought up the topic " i've heard of them but don't know much about them" i said calmly

" Well they just robbed 3 banks and killed 7 people , now they are on the run again"

" how do they know its ROYALTY ?" taeyong asked as we all grew curious

" they all ways leave a crown spray painted on the wall , whenever they do anything illegal"

" that's so scary , i'm getting goosebumps" jungwoo said as the bell rang ughhhh


3 banks down and we only had to kill 7 people , my lucky number .

i sat in my room as i finished the call with the police chief, yeah the police chief. with enough money you can get away with anything. we have a lot of connections in the police that's how we get a lot of our men and women out of jail and how we do a lot of stuff without the police interfering.

" Miss ?" my maid said and she knocked on the door. i told her to come in.
" umm miss your father is calling you to his office" she said bowing as i told her to leave , as she left i checked my self in the mirror and left the room .

i knocked on my fathers door and waited till i heard him " enter" i walked in with a straight face and i sat down on the chair infront of his desk .

" Well you must be wondering why i called you here. well that is because i'm not going to make you the leader until you have gotten your own members and you are cut off from getting anymore missions"

" yes sir" i said while looking down as i clutched my fist turning my knuckles white . this is such a stupid reason for not making me leader i'm already gonna get all these people when he leaves .

" you have 1 month to find your new members and if you are unsuccessful to find members and train them properly. your future position as leader will be given to your sister" he said with a straight face as he turned towards the shelf full of alcohol grabbing one and pouring it in a glass .

" WAIT W-WHA ?!"

" AND MY DECISION IS FINAL , NOW GET OUT BEFORE I TAKE YOUR CHANCE AWAY !!" he screamed at me and then everything went silent.

i got up and bowed before leaving the room .
i have to call him sir as he doesn't really consider me as his daughter more off a person who works for him . My "sister" is my half sister . Way before , dad was married to my mom. they had 3 sons and 1 daughter. one day my mom found out about him cheating on her she knew he didn't love her but she didn't want her kids to know that . One day i was sick so i stayed home from school and that day my mom and brothers all died .

That rat off a women killed them . i know that cause when she saw me after the accident she was shocked , shocked that i was still alive . she even asked me " how are you alive weren't you in the car ?" i was young , only 3 . After a week , my dad got married to her and and they had a child only a few months later . Evelyn was born and she grew up to all the luxury she got to call my dad , well 'dad' while i called him sir . i had to train and train throughout this whole thing everyday i only lost more and more emotion and i started to care less about life .
i would get a mission , if i succeed then i would get a "good job" from him if i was lucky but if i failed i would be tortured from hell and back . but most of the times it wouldn't be anything that would scar .
it would we like he would put needles covered in poison, poison that i wasn't immune to and he would put that in my arms , legs and stomach. not enough to kill me but enough to leave me unconscious for 2-3 days . while my "sister" would have to do nothing . she grew up as the princess, her hands never had blood on them . she didn't see the horrors off the world her mother was there to hide them from her . she tries to talk to me but i'd rather do work then waste my time on a half blooded rat kid .

i went out of the house and i went down to the garage. when i arrived i realized that this whole time my fists were clutched , i opened my fists to see blood seeping out of my palms . i went to the first aid kit and took out a bandage and bandaged my hands . i found my car and i drove off to my real house .

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- i'm sorry first time writing

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- i'm sorry first time writing .

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