I decide to wear my jean mini skirt, a long sleeved black button up that was semi see through and showed a little bit of my stomach, and my flats. I straightened my hair and did my make up. I threw on some perfume and my pea coat and scarf and made my way downstairs. "This will be fun" I sarcastically thought to myself as I made my way to the limo with the others.

We make it out to the station and the boys all rush out except for Liam. He lingers around with me while I climb out of the limo. The wind has slightly picked up and there are storm clouds approaching. I stand up and grin at Liam.

"You alright love? You've been keeping to yourself lately. We've all been worried about you" he says, looking very concerned. I roll my eyes and look away "yeah I'm fine". When I look at him, he's looking at me "I don't buy that". I half laugh "What don't you buy?" I say. He's the one who half laughs this time "Kitty, I've known you for how long? And I know when your not okay. But i'm here for you, yeah?" he smiles and goes inside with the others. I let out an annoyed sigh and follow him inside.

The lights were shinning and the cameras were set up in a circle, all pointing at the five boys all sitting in a circle around Ed Sheeran, the host. They were all in a discussion when the camera guy called that they had five minutes before the show began. They all looked to the cameras, showing off their award winning smiles while I stood backstage, watching them. 

"And Action"

"Welcome, Welcome. Thanks for tuning in. I'm Ed Sheeran and I'm here with the famous boy band and teen sensation One Direction. Say hello boys" Ed smiles to them. "Ello Loves" they all say together and laugh at the end. "Aren't they adorable. So lets begin" Ed faces them.

Two hours pass and the interview was almost over. The boys had a five minute intermission but they had all gone outside for some air. When they came back Ed had told them they had an hour left and here we are. They had asked them questions about how they felt being home from tour. Asked how their families were adjusting to them being home. How things were going with them. They answered some questions from the Twitter account they all shared and they even sung their #1 hit song "What Makes You Beautiful". 

The final question was about to be asked and I was happier than ever to be almost out of there. I listened and got up when I heard the question brought up "So Harry, tell us... How are things going between you and your model girlfriend Natasha"... Shit. I look at Harry who looks as if he's going to snap at any second. Needless to say, all my happiness is gone. I looked away then back to them only to see a pair of hazel eyes staring at me.

I tried to look away but couldn't. I was trapped in his gaze. This was the first time he had even looked at me since the night at the pool. Since the night we had slept together. He looks back to Ed, acting like he didn't hear the question and Ed repeats it, smiling. And that's when Harry lost it. He stands up and flips the table over that was sitting between them. Harry storms out of the building with Allen hot on his heels. I cant help but follow them outside.

It had started to rain when we made it outside. Allen and Harry were standing under the gazebo. Harry had his hands in his pockets looking at Allen while Allen proceeded to yell at him. I walked into the rain when they both noticed my appearance. They exchanged angry glares at one another then Allen passed by me whispering a "Good Luck" to me as he passed.

I look from him to Harry. He's staring right at me. My hair is soaking wet from the rain and is starting to curl. I have my hands in the pockets of my jacket and tear marks down my face. he was wearing the white button up shirt that is semi see through, unbuttoned half way down, his cross necklace, black skinny jeans, and his brown boots. Needless to say, he looked flawless. He was about to head back to the station when I spoke.

"Am I really that fucked up?" the rain picks up. I don't bother trying to cover my head. I continue to stare at him as he stands there, staring at me, confused. "Am I really that fucked up that you don't want me living with you? Because that's what you told Natasha and" he doesn't let me finish. "God Kat! Seriously.. eaves dropping?!?" He rolls his eyes, annoyed and tugs at his curls in frustration.

I stand there shocked. One because he didn't deny it. Two because that's all he could say back to me. I turn to go back inside when he calls after me "Kat wait". I turn around (rather quickly) and almost scream at him "What?" this time, he's out in the rain with me. His shirt is soaking wet and clinging to his body, showing off his muscular stomach. His curls are soaking wet and in a mess on his forehead. I look away, semi blushing. 

"I only said that to get her to stay.. And to get her to stop complaining all the damn time.. And to stop being so fucking jealous.. Its driving me crazy. I'm really sorry. I-I didn't mean it" he's staring at me with pleading eyes. We stand there staring at one another, waiting for the other one to speak up.

I shake my head and look away, holding back the tears. "But you know Haz, sometimes sorry doesn't fix anything.. And sometimes" I pause and swallow the lump in my throat "Sometimes its just not good enough. I'm taking the first plane ticket I can get back to America because this" I gesture between us "this just isn't going to work" I give him one last look and wish I hadn't. He was crying with a hurt face. I turn on my heel and leave crying the whole walk home.

Destined (Book One) [HarryStyles-OneDirectionFanFiction] **COMPLETED**Where stories live. Discover now