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Double Updating Today!! Only because I love all of you all and because of you all, I'm still here writing this story! I really hope you all are enjoying this story. And just think, there's only three more chapters after this one!! Then we begin book two! :) xo

Screaming and Yelling...

I groan and roll over to check my phone. It says 6:30am. I roll my eyes and pull the pillow over my head. Who in their right minds would be yelling this early in the damn morning. Its silent for a few more minutes then it starts up again. Curious, I get out of bed, pull on my robe, open my bedroom door and step out.

"What do you mean your breaking up with me? I just got home from the fucking tour and your doing this?!?" Harry. I stand at the top of the stairs, eavesdropping. "I just don't think its going to work babe. I mean she's still living here and you know how i feel about her being here" A females voice. One I don't recognize... Natasha. I roll my eyes and realize that they are talking about me. I bite my lip and lean closer to listen.

"You cant seriously be jealous of Kat. Shes just my roommate. It wasn't even my choice if she lived here or not" He's angry. Hell if she wants to go, let her go. Its quiet again. I debate on going down stairs or going to my room and realize my room is the better option. I open my door again and the fight continues. I pause and listen. 

"Look, Haz.. It doesn't matter. You don't love me the way I love you. You spend all your time with her and I cant handle all the gossip. I don't want to believe your cheating on me with her but" she's cut off by Harry letting out a frustrated scream. He slams his hands/fists down on the table "Why would I even be interested in her? She's a fucking American. Your a model. She's curvy. Your tall and slender. Your beautiful. She's not my type at all. You are. She's seriously fucked up in the head. That's why she got sent to live with us. Natasha, I love you. Please don't" she cuts him off. "Haz, I'm sorry but I just cant. Its over" she walks out the door and slams it shut behind her. Its quiet again except for Harry's quiet sobs.

I sit there, still, letting my tears fall slowly down my face. Is that really what he thinks of me? That i'm that fucking damaged? I shake my head and stand up. I wipe my face off and go into my bedroom slamming the door behind me. I lean against it. I feel so stupid. I cant believe I even "UGH!" I scream. I go to my bed, curl up under the covers, scream into my pillows, and begin to sob.


A week has passed since the conversation between Harry and Natasha. He ended up telling all of us about what happened and the boys were all apologizing to him while I sat here quietly. I hadn't talked much, only answering questions that I could nod too. I pretty much distanced myself from the group.

One night, I was laying on my bed on my stomach, browsing Twitter when I hear the strum of a guitar and a voice. Harry's voice. Singing. I lean against my door and listen to him. he's playing the boys new hit single "Happily". I quietly sing along, fighting back all the tears that are threatening to escape. When he's done, I sit there and listen to his quiet sobs, and let my own tears fall.

I wake up the next day to Anne knocking on my door. She enters just as soon as I stand up "get dressed. The boys have a live interview that's also going to be on the radio. Ed Sheeran's going to be interviewing them. And we cant be late" She goes to leave "Anne, look I really just don't" she cuts me off "Look, you've been cramped up in this room long enough, you need some fresh air and some sunlight, your looking a bit peaky" and with that, she was gone. Hell Anne, your son fucked me then turns around and says that I'm damaged and you want me to go and cheer for him at a interview that I could really give two shits about... I sigh and go to my closet to get an outfit out.

Destined (Book One) [HarryStyles-OneDirectionFanFiction] **COMPLETED**Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt