[1] Chaotic Airport

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Third Person POV

"Wait! I gotta go to the bathroom!" Jimin says loudly causing his group mates to turn around and look at him.

Hobi sighs and shakes his head. "This boy and his bladder." He turns to look at Yoongi who stands there looking at the camera and adjusting the angles. "Yoongi, go take Jimin to the bathroom."

Yoongi looks over in confusion before looking at Jimin. He puts his camera back into his pocket and pulls the strap to his bag to make it tighter around his shoulders.

Then he begins walking towards the direction of the bathroom.

"Does he really know where it is?" Jimin asks, looking between Yoongi and the rest of the members with an uneasy expression.

The members shrug at his question and gestures for him to just follow Yoongi.

Jimin sighs and follows him towards, what is hope to be, a bathroom.

The rest of the members turn to look at each other before nodding to go to find their seats.

Once they find the right plane number, they sit in the empty seats and save two spots for Yoongi and Jimin.

"You three stay here and watch the seats, Jin and I will go buy some snacks and come back" Namjoon says as he stands up and pulls Jin with him to the food stores available around the airport.

Jungkook takes out his iPad and starts playing Subway Surfers.

Taehyung glances over at Jungkook's game and his eyes widen.

"2 million?!! That's your high score?!"

Jungkook looks up from his iPad and stares at Tae who has the most surprised look on his face.

"Yeah, And?" Jungkook asks him.

Tae moves back towards his chair. "Nothing, I just never thought someone would be so close to my high score."

"Oh stop it. You definitely don't have a better score than me." Jungkook playfully slaps Tae's arm.

"Are you sure about that? Wanna see what my high score is?" Tae begins taking out his iPad.

Jungkook snickers. "I bet it ain't higher than mine."

"Fine, lets make a bet, then" Tae opens up the app and turns to face Jungkook.

"You kids and your competitive ways" Hobi stands up and grabs his bag as he walks toward the wide windows, taking a look at the view.

Jungkook and Taehyung continue to fight for the highest score in Subway Surfers.

Soon after their first round of the game, Yoongi and Jimin comes back.

Jimin skips his way towards them as Yoongi slowly follows and stares at him like he's the biggest weirdo ever.

Jimin sits in the chairs behind Jungkook and Tae and looks over their screens.

"What are you guys doing?" He asks as he settles in between them.

"Shhh, I'm playing" Tae replies as he concentrates closely to the second round.

Jimin looks over at Jungkook and asks again, "What are you doing?"

Jungkook, without looking up, replies "Tae thinks he can beat me in Subway Surfers so we're playing to see who lasts the longest."

Jimin's mouth opens into a small 'o' shape before turning back and forth across the row of seats and landing on the floor. Then he runs toward Hobi.

"Hobi!! My man, What are you looking at?" Jimin holds out his hand and grabs Hobi's hand then creating a handshake with them.

"Look at how large that plane is and we're going on it! That is beyond unbelievable." Hobi replies, not caring about the handshake Jimin is creating.

"I know! It's our first trip by ourselves and I'm so excited!!!" Jimin twirls around and jumps up and down like a kid.

Yoongi walks over with a bothered expression. "Jimin, why are you making so much noise?!"

"Hyung, I'm just excited. I'm sorry if I bothered you." Jimin walks over to Yoongi and hugs him as an apology.

Yoongi sighs and wiggles out of his grasp before waking away to find a seat behind Jungkook and Taehyung as they fight for a high score.

Jimin walks back over to Hobi and they begin to talk about the structure of their large plane.

"Hey, we're back!" Namjoon says as he drops the bags of food on the floor.

Jin follows behind, but takes a seat next to Jungkook and begins munching on a bag of snack.

Jungkook, without looking away, reaches in the bag and takes out a random bag, then hands it to Jin.

"Hyung, can you open this for me, please" Jungkook says with a soft voice.

Jin looks over at him with a death stare. "Ay, why don't you just do it yourself, hah?"

"I'm busy, Hyung!" Jungkook replies as she swerved through the trains.

Jin continues to stare at Jungkook before grabbing the bag and opening it.

"Kids these days, they're too lazy to do things as simple as opening a bag of chips." Jin complains as he hands the bag back to Jungkook.

Namjoon walks over to Jungkook and Tae, watching their competition go on.

"What's going on here?" He says Jin who continues to eat his snack.

Jin shrugs and responds with, "Let the kids be, they always play games when they're home so let's just pretend we won't punish them later."

"Uh..... Namjoon stares at Jin who calmly eats his food. "We?" He asks.

Jin stares up at Namjoon. "Yeah, we. Who else would watch over these kids, huh?"

"I mean, it could only be one of us." Namjoon replies.

"But have you seen these kids? Too much for Worldwide Handsome to even handle" Jin sighs and throws the empty bag of snack in a trash can nearby.

Namjoon finally snaps out of a trance that has kept him standing there and walks over to Hobi and Jimin.

"What are you guys doing here?" Namjoon asks them.

"I was taking pictures then Jimin came and now we're talking about planes." Hobi says.

Namjoon opens his mouth to reply, but a loud victory scream erupts from Jungkook.

"I BEAT YOU!!!!" Jungkook screams as he twirls around in victory and happiness.

Tae pouts and crosses his arms over his chest like a child. Then he slouches back in the chair. "Not fair" he grumbles silently.

Namjoon sighs and shakes his head. "These kids, I swear."


Thanks for reading the first chapter!

I tried adding all the members and having some introduction to each of them and hints on future ship books.

Have a nice day!



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