The Glass Barrier Two

838 26 4

Request by Luna_the_fluffy_fox

Error POV
"Yes... I've missed you so much!" I said, tears streaming down my face.
I want to hug him so badly. Even as a skeleton he was the most beautiful thing I'd ever laid eyes upon. I reached out to him but was stopped by the glass.
I fell to my knees still crying.
"I want to hold you..." I said. "I want to hug you, I want to kiss you... I want you..."
He left. I sat there for a few minutes. He came back with a few rocks.
"Back away love." He said.
I did. He started throwing the rocks as hard as he could. I got excited when it started to crack. He got annoyed and ran into it. The idiot! He fell back with blood running down his face.
"Ink!" I cried hoping he was alright.
Thank the stars he sat up. He was crying now.
"I'm sorry... I can't break it!" He shouted, punching the glass. It cracked more.
"Stop hurting yourself..." I told him.

We talked for a few more hours before he was pulled back into the darkness. I used my paint brush to create a hammer. Surely this would break it. I smashed the glass but the hammer was to heavy so I ended up hitting myself with it in the chest.
Winded, I ran through to try and find Error. It was so dark though, I could barely see anything. I tripped. I don't know how but when I felt something try and drag me I started to struggle.
  I only stopped when I felt a warm and familiar embrace. I was afraid to look back, what if it wasn't him? 
  I took a deep breath and looked to my side. It was him! But... he had a knife in his back. I began crying.
  "E...Error...?" I asked.
  I felt cold as he went limp. I laid him on the ground and cupped his cheek with my hand. His dark skin was still soft and his royal blue tear markings still glowing... his eyes... they turned red and had yellow and blue pupils. I shut them, and kissed him on the lips for the last time.
  After I was done crying I ran my hand through his soft, black hair. I know he'll be back but... it'll be like me... a skeleton.
  After a few days of lying by him and making sure nothing happened to his body he finally sat up. And I was right... he's a skeleton.
  I gave him a big smile and jumped on him. He held me close and tight. Finally everything felt normal again.

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