Chapter 5

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I could hear Jace telling them not to worry about me, that the worst I'd do was tell my mommy.

Not this time. I was not the little baby anymore. I just needed a plan, and if Kat the master of making people suffer for pissing her off was here, it would be in action by now.

I open my door, plastering a smile on my face and walked down the hall into the living room. My jaw dropped.

There's trash everywhere; articles of clothing hanging here and there, beer cans and vodka bottles on the floor, chips and other trash on the floor, food crumbs on the counters and couches, wine stains on the carpet, dip smeared on the floor, broken glass everywhere, part of the wall is burned, picture frames cracked, a broken window, mom's favorite vase is gone...

RIDICULOUS. How am I ever going to fix this? To CLEAN it? How am I going to explain this to my mother!?

I walk into the kitchen where they were having their little meeting.

I look into the fridge and frown. I forgot that mom said that we'd have to stock the fridge. I grab a cup and turn on the tap. I lean against the counter and look at them. they're quiet and staring.

"Guys... I know I'm hot but come on," I say smiling at them. They look at each other and then at me.

I look down at my cup and put it in the sink. Staring down at my shoes I speak softly as if this is a regular conversation.

"So, umm I'm not sure what you guys have up for today," I say looking around the house. I look back down at my shoes trying not to smile. "But I'm going to the store to get some things. Soo ...I'll see you guys later," I say about to leave, I double back. "Oh, and Mom said call her," I say to Jace. I laugh when I get in my room.

My mom hadn't said anything.

I hadn't even called her...yet.

I showered changing into some shorts and a tank top, grabbing the house keys I go grocery shopping.

I don't really know how to grocery shop, so I just get stuff I have a taste for. If the guys get hungry they can just go to the store themselves.

I bought a bunch of fruit. Grapes, watermelon, cantaloupe, apples, mandarin oranges and strawberries, ice cream, chocolate and whipped cream, some cake, ramen noodles and Kraft macaroni. Mom would be so proud.

When I arrive back to the house the place is clean. it isn't spotless, but they're guys so I didn't expect much. They're also gone and if that isn't an accomplishment, I don't know what is. I put my groceries away, leaving the fruit out. I make a big fruit bowl and package it tightly, putting the bowl back into the fridge for later and making sure there's a note with my name on it.

I grab a big blanket, my ipod and a book going outside for some fresh ocean air. As soon as my feet touch the deck outback, there is a ice cold sensation on my back and side. I look and see Ricky and Jace with water guns. They run away laughing.

"Ugh," I say taking my things to the beach.

Setting my blanket down and putting my things on the blanket, I take off my Tank and shorts. I used to be scared of the water. I don't remember why but I'm pretty sure it was Jace and his friends.

David had gotten me surf lessons one summer when I was 10 but I had been so scared of the water that I never actually went all the way in. Of course I wasn't scared of it anymore. I just didn't know how to surf.

I decide to go for a swim, but I won't go far out. I should probably go find someone to lookout for me.

But who?

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