Chapter 4

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I was seated in coach between Jace and Sebastian. At least that's what the paper said.

I turned to the guys."I'll trade with one of you," I said.

Bash shrugged just sitting down. That was easy enough. I sit down and now I have the aisle seat across from Ricky who is already snoring and the plane hasn't even taken off yet. I can't sleep on planes. It's not because I'm scared. It's just hard. I try to but I can never fall asleep. So this ride will be long. I brought a book to read, and my iPod.

Bash's head is on my shoulder and I'm tempted to push him off, he's drooling, but never have I seen him look so peaceful, no matter how annoying he is. I move his head to my brothers shoulder.

"Eh? .... Huh?....." Jace says confused

"Mmmmm." Bash said smiling peacefully.

"AH!!!!! GAY? ...MAN!!!!!!!!!!! BASTIAN?!?!?!, GET OFF ME!!!!!!!!! AHHHHH!!!!!!!!" Jace screamed.

The time on the plane actually went faster than I thought, which is great because I am starving and tired.

We are in California, I haven't been here in so long but every time I do get here I always leave with a nice tan and pollution hair. I'm not sure your hair can smell like pollution but mine always has this weird smell to it when I leave.

The house is beautiful. It's painted white with a long light wood porch. The house doesn't get much use because mom has never trusted us to go live on our own for a few weeks before.

It's late in the after noon. Mom gave me the key because she was afraid that Jace would lose it. I grab my suitcases and run to the door. I want to be able to claim my room first. The house is two levels but I want the room on the first with the view. It's a Queen sized bed too.

I throw my suitcase on the bed and take some of my things out, making it known this room is taken. I grab the "Go Away!" doorknob sign I had made and put it on it.

I need a shower. When I come out of the bathroom dressed in my boxers and ACDC tour T-shirt, I'm surprised to see Sebastian in my room."Why are you in here? Can't you read!?" I asked.

He looked at me."Of course I can read. Why do you ask?"

"Because there is a sign on my door that says go away," I say opening the door and grabbing the sign.

"I was looking for my suitcase," He says.

"Why would I have it?"

"Because you were rushing to claim this room and grabbed it," He says taking the suitcase off the bed. My eyes flash to the underwear I'd thrown on the bed so no one would claim it.

"You wear lace?" Bash asked.

I coughed, rolling my eyes.

"Are you wearing lace now?" He asked.

I pushed him out."Get out." I said putting the sign on the door again. I opened the curtains and sit on the window seat looking out at the water for a minute. I grab my I-pod and earphones, pushing my things to the side, I lay down and soon drift to sleep.

I wake up at 1 am and I'm mad. If I wake up after being sleep I won't be able to go back to sleep.

The reason I'm up is because there's a hell of a lot of loud music playing and I think someone just walked into my room. I sit up turning the lamp on."Eww, oh eww, ew!" I shout jumping up on my feet.

There's a couple on my floor. "Get out!!!!!!!!!" I growl and they hurry to put their clothes on.

I hop off the bed grab some duct tape and my flip flops. I close my door behind me and put tape across it. I wear the duct tape as a bracelet and walk around. There are people everywhere. We haven't even been here for a day.

I spot Bash on the couch making out intensely with some girl. But I'm looking for the person who decided that all THIS was a good idea. So I stand up on the coffee table, and look around the crowd.

"Whoo! Take it off!" Some guy screams directing attention to me.

Some guy tugs on the bottom of my shorts. I swat his hand away. He does it again. I grab his face, squeezing his cheeks."Touch me again, and I will murder you!" I threaten.

He just grins and his breathe is rancid."Feisty,"

"Ugh, Drop Dead," I say pushing his face away and standing straight.

"Are you the stripper?" Some one asked grabbing my wrist. I try to snatch it from him.

"Ricky? What the hell!!!?" I say jumping down from the table, I hear an collective aww, but then some girl jumps up there. It's the girl Bash was making out with. He's sitting on the couch just watching.

"What is this?!" I ask annoyed."Ricky!!???!? Where's Jace?" I ask. He grins."Upstairs. Oh and you better be in the mood to catch a glimpse of him in action."

I almost gagged. I was in search for the stereo that woke me up in the first place. I unplugged it.There's a collective boo."Everyone get the hell out!!!!" I shout.

Ricky's drunk ass is joining the crowd, about to leave."Ricky, get over here!" I demand. I told him to sit down next to Bash.

"Are you guys drunk?" I ask. Bash shakes his head.I don't bother looking at Ricky, cause I know he is."You aren't drunk? But your letting strangers tear the house apart!?" I asked. He just shrugs."Sebastian, speak now or forever hold your peace." He does the thing where he zips his lips and locks it, throwing away the key. I bend down so that I'm eye level with him."When I say forever hold your peace, I mean be prepared to die," I say.

He laughs leaning up toward me."And I'm supposed to be scared?" He asked.

"Oh, you better be," I said as menacing as possible.

"I'm going to bed," Ricky announces. I break my staring contest with in order to look at Ricky."Now, which one of you let those people in my room!!!!!?" I asked.

Ricky snickered but didn't turn around. Bash laughs raising his hand."Guilty!" I fold my arms over my chest.

"Sebastian, you better clean this shit up," I say."You, Richard and Jason better get this place together."

"Or What?" He said standing. He looked down at me.

I said nothing, I just stared up at him. He moved closer as if to intimidate me. it worked. He was so much taller and tougher than me. What could I threaten him with. It'd have to be something everyone would believe.

"Mess with me and You'll find out." I simply say going to my room and locking the door, being sure to avoid that spot on the carpet I take out my iPod to watch a movie.

This was going to be a long vacation.

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