Fifty Fifty {Zoro x Reader}

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[f/n] - first name

Dedicated to @EgaoMiyuki

type - character x reader {romantic}

its not my best work, sorry guys

"This is all your fault," you mumbled, grumpily.

"Shut up! It's not my fault everyone else got lost," Zoro snapped at you, his swords jangling at his side.

You sighed. "It's okay to admit you have absolutely so sense of direction. Everyone already knows it."

"Tsh, I have a great sense of direction," he grumbled, looking ahead.

"Then why are we still lost in the forest?" You yelled at him, swatting his arm.

"'Cause I'm following you!" You argued.

"No way, I've been following you this whole time!"

"I'm gonna have a nap," he stated, plopping down against the nearest tree trunk.

"Zoro, come on, we have to get back to the-"

You heard the faint snoring sounds before being able to finish your sentence.

"-crew," you sighed, kneeling down I front of him and slapping his cheek. "Wake up Moss Head!"

You're hit didn't do much though accept make him mumble something, still in somehow deep sleep.

You couldn't help but notice how cute he looked while he slept, his chest rising slightly as he snored lightly, his short green hair looking a little messier then usual and the scar over his eye looking normal as his other eye was closed in sleep.

You've wondered how he got that scar after meeting up with him and the rest of the crew after two years, but he never told anyone. You wondered why.

You thought for a minute before taking one of his swords, the one with a white handle, and smacked him on the head with it. Case still on of course and the flat part of the a weapon. You wouldn't just hurt your own friends just to get what you wanted. Though it crossed you my mind before with this numbskull, even if you have a crush on him.

He groaned, rubbing his head and snatching back his sword. "What the hell [f/n]?"

"What the hell yourself! We can't nap now!" You angrily yelled at him, giving him a kick to the side. "Get up and let's try and find our way back!"

"The cooks kicks hurt a lot more then that," he noted, standing up and brushing the dirt off his clothes.

"Well duh, it's Sanji," you muttered. "Him, Luffy and you are all some form of monster."

"Thanks," he mumbled, glancing at the two paths that stood before them. "Let's go left, it looks familiar."

You sighed. "I'm gonna die out here."

He glared back at you. "I know where I'm going."

You rolled your eyes, obviously still very doubtful. "Sure Zoro, just lead the way already."


"Now explain to me, how we ending up back where we were?" You asked your fellow crew mate as he tched.

"How should I know?" He said, obviously frustrated with the situation.

"Because you were leading!" You complained, sitting down against the tree trunk Zoro leaned against only an hour or so ago. "Whatever, I'm leading this time but we're taking a time out. I'm tired."

He sighed, sitting next to you and against the tree.

"So," you thought out loud, looking in front of you. There were two dirt paths, the left one a curvy path and the right a straight one. Zoro took the curvy one last time but you guys obviously wander off of it, so it was still an option. "Which way should we go."

"Left." Zoro said, glancing back at the curvy path.

"There's about a fifty fifty chance that you'd choose the right way," you joked, smiling over at him. "But you'd probably mess that up somehow."

He smirked over at you. "There a fifty percent chance that you like me."

You felt the blush rise onto your cheeks but snickered anyway. "Fifty? A bit full of ourselves now are we?"

"Not really, just confident," he corrected, still looking rather pleased. "So?"

You rolled your eyes, punching his arm and leaning your head on his shoulder after. "You're such an idiot, it took you that long to realize?"

You felt him lean his head more towards yours. Waiting for his reply, you stayed silent until you couldn't really take it. "Zoro, wha-"

You felt his chest rhythmically rising and falling, the familiar sound of his snores now reaching your ears.

You sighed. "Who falls asleep at a moment like this?"

You smiled none the less though and got more comfortable against him, eventually falling asleep as well. Let's just leave it to the imagination at what the rest of the crew had to say when they found you two.


[kind of short, but I just wanted to use this idea {like the fifty fifty thing} for a one shot so I hope this is okay for you guys x3]

Next time - Flower In The Wind {Law, Luffy & Kid x Reader}

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2014 ⏰

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